Optimizing Recursive Residual Code in Matlab

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I have coded an algorithm to compute recursive residuals in matlab in a for loop, that is, regressing the second variable on the first, third variable on the first and second, and so on, and calculating the residuals.
While the code works, it's much slower than what I would like (22 seconds second for 200000 observations and 2 variables). I am looking for suggestions to optimize this code, preferably by vectorizing it as much as possible. I am new to Matlab. Please help.
Here is the code that I have been testing:
%Create Random Data
mu = [10, 20];
sigma = [1,1.5;1.5,3];
mu2 = [-10,-20];
RandomData1 = mvnrnd(mu, sigma, 100000);
RandomData2 = mvnrnd(mu2, sigma, 100000);
RandomData3 = [RandomData1;RandomData2];
vargs = [2 0.25 0.5 4];
%Set Variable Size
beta = cell(0);
U = cell(0);
Y = cell(0);
h = zeros(200000,2);
residual = zeros(200000,2);
beta{1} = RandomData3(1,1);
for n=2:200000
for i = 1
residual(n,i) = RandomData3(n,1)-beta{1}/(n-1);
beta{1} = beta{1} + RandomData3(n,1);
h(n,i) = 1/(n-1);
for i=2:2
if(i>=n); break; end
% update variance estimate
if(n==i+1) % first time, compute cholesky decomp directly
Xtmp = [ones(n-1,1) RandomData3(1:n-1,1:i-1)];
U{i} = chol(Xtmp'*Xtmp);
Y{i} = Xtmp'*RandomData3(1:n-1,i);
x = [1;RandomData3(n,1:i-1)'];
z0 = (U{i}')\x;
z = U{i}\z0;
h(n,i) = x'*z;
w = (U{i}')\Y{i};
beta{i} = U{i}\w;
residual(n,i) = RandomData3(n,i) - x'*beta{i};
% update the cholesky decomp
U{i} = cholupdate(U{i},x);
Y{i} = Y{i} + x*RandomData3(n,i);
%Calculate Recursive Residuals
h = sqrt(h + 1);
r = bsxfun(@rdivide, residual, h);

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