MATLAB Interface for Petrel - MATLAB & Simulink

Software Support

MATLAB Interface for Petrel

Using the MATLAB® interface for Petrel*, you can directly read and write data between a Petrel project and MATLAB. You can also perform Petrel operations from within MATLAB. This capability facilitates an integrated workflow, which removes the need to manually exchange data between the two environments.

Features include:

  • Support for the following data types: Function, PointSet, PolylineSet, Grid, Surface Seismic Cube, Seismic Horizon, Surface, Well, WellLog, and Workfow
  • Support for the following operations: add folder, add node, add window, find node, get camera, get node, rename node, remove node, set camera, set node, show node, show window, run workflow

*Mark of Schlumberger

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