Third-Party Products - Data and Image Acquisition Solutions
Integrating MATLAB® and Simulink® with instrumentation and data acquisition systems enables engineers to analyze live data, validate new algorithms, and integrate acquired data in Simulink simulations. MATLAB instrument drivers are available for instruments supporting the IVI, LXI, VXIplug&play, GPIB, and VISA industry standards. Data acquisition boards are supported using an open adaptor interface, while imaging and video acquisition devices are supported using adaptors based on the Camera Link, GigE Vision, and DCAM standards.

Agilent Technologies X-Series signal analyzers and PSA Series spectrum analyzers deliver high-performance measurement and analysis of complex RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave signals up to 50 GHz in cellular, wireless, and other applications. Agilent InfiniiVision and Infiniium oscilloscopes offer bandwidths up to 32 GHz, with 2 Gpts memory. MATLAB and Instrument Control Toolbox™, with drivers provided by Agilent, extend these instruments’ capabilities for custom analysis and measurement visualization, testing commercial and proprietary modulation schemes, and automating measurements. Agilent can include MATLAB with the instrument purchase to provide a complete hardware-software solution and simplify ordering and installation.
Data Translation’s VOLTpoint is a series of precision instruments for measurement of a wide range of voltage inputs, such as lithium-ion battery testing applications where signals range from millivolts to ±400 V. VOLTpoint instruments are available in USB and Ethernet (LXI) versions, with up to 48 input channels, each with a dedicated 24-bit delta-sigma A/D converter and 1000 V galvanic isolation. Users can perform measurements with VOLTpoint using MATLAB and Instrument Control Toolbox, with the VOLTpoint IVI-COM and MATLAB instrument driver.

Advantech data acquisition and control cards provide high-quality, cost-saving plugin data acquisition and control capabilities for industrial requirements. Models include a broad range of analog and digital I/O cards, timer/counter cards, motion control, and encoder cards for PCI-bus, PC/104, and ISA-bus. MATLAB and Data Acquisition Toolbox™ support over 40 Advantech cards, using drivers provided by Advantech.
Hamamatsu cameras provide high resolution and sensitivity for biomedical, industrial, and semiconductor applications. Rapid acquisition of high signal-to-noise images at low light levels from UV to IR is possible with a wide range of camera technologies, including TDI, CCD, CMOS, InGaAs, and X-ray detectors. MATLAB and Image Acquisition Toolbox provide control and image acquisition for a range of Camera Link, FireWire, LVDS, and USB 2.0–based devices.

Allied Vision Technologies offers FireWire and GigE Vision® cameras for machine vision, computer vision, and other industrial and medical applications. AVT cameras offer CCD and CMOS sensors with resolutions from VGA to 16 megapixels and data throughput up to 240 Mb/s. The AVT Adaptor for MATLAB Image Acquisition lets users control AVT-specific camera options and acquire images directly into MATLAB.
Published 2010