Third-Party Products: Targeting Simulink Models to Real-Time Systems
Third-party products enable engineers to target Simulink models to a range of real-time platforms. FPGA and DSP developers can generate synthesizable HDL and C code from Simulink models and run their designs on prototyping boards. Blocksets help engineers generate code for microcontroller-based designs, and processor simulator interfaces provide new testing capabilities. Industrial engineers can implement and test their models on industrial controllers. Application-specific models of automotive and other applications accelerate hardware-in-the-loop testing.
FPGA and DSP Chips

PROC_HILs is an acceleration tool for targeting Simulink designs to Altera FPGAs on GiDEL’s PCI- and PCI Express-based PROC boards. It adds host interface logic and GiDEL IPs to HDL code generated from Simulink models, and uses Altera tools to generate device program files that run on the FPGA.
Innovative DSP and FPGA Platforms support rapid prototyping using Xilinx and Texas Instruments chips. Blocks for all on-board I/O enable you to rapidly design algorithms in Simulink and target them to Innovative simulation platforms.
Innovative Integration
RAppID ToolBox is a Simulink blockset and target for Freescale™ MPC55xx processors. It provides a graphical tool for configuring and generating initialization routines, device drivers, and a real-time scheduler for any MPC55xx-based MCU.
Freescale Semiconductor
MPLAB® Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides a complete toolchain for developing applications to run on Microchip’s PIC® MCUs and dsPIC® DSCs. Blocksets support specific devices and peripherals. Software designers can work within the MPLAB IDE, generate code from Simulink models, and import the code files into MPLAB IDE projects.
Microchip Technology
Industrial Controllers

M-Target for Simulink lets you implement Simulink algorithms on the Bachmann M1 modular control system. It provides blocks for I/O features and supports Simulink external mode for data exchange.
Bachmann Electronic
Hardware-in-the-Loop Systems

dSPACE Simulator is a modular HIL system supported by a rich set of Simulink models for automotive ECU applications. You can run models on the HIL system by generating code using Real-Time Workshop.
LABCAR HIL system provides a virtual test system for automotive ECUs, including extensible Simulink models for vehicle dynamics and subsystems such as engines, transmissions, and brakes.
RT-LAB implements HIL simulation of Simulink models on standard multicore PC machines and clusters. RT-LAB links code generated with Real-Time Workshop to highly optimized runtime libraries.
OPAL-RT Technologies
Published 2008