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minimum distance between the edges of two closed shapes

2 views (last 30 days)
I am wondering if anyone has any idea how I can approach finding the minimum distance between two fairly random shapes' edges that one encircles the other. I can separate the shapes' images out from one another into the same size image for comparison, but I can't get a good distance function since one encloses the other and by no means are these shapes regular enough to just compare the center points. If anyone can give me ideas, I would really appreciate it.

Answers (1)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 8 Jul 2011
The distance transform and some indexing will do that for you pretty easily.
doc bwdist
Post the image for more specific guidance.
  1 Comment
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 9 Jul 2011
Sean's answer is what I suggest also. By the way, you may want to learn about alternative ways of measuring distance between polygons. Go to this URL
to learn about the Hausdorf distance and several useful ways that it can be used.

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