How to write a step function, x(t-tau), within a differential equation

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I am trying to solve and plot the following system of equations, however I am struggling with plotting the T(t-tau) and E(t-tau) functions in Matlab
I have been trying to use the heaviside function but the resulting graphs are not changing with variance in tau. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
function final_project_4()
r1 = 0.1; k1 = 0.0001; r2 = 0.03; alpha = 24; k2 = 0.00005; k3 = 0.000024;
u2 = 0.3; gamma = 0.3; c = 3.8; u1 = 0.03; epislon = 0.1; N = 275;
tau = 15;
TSpan = [0 250];
Y0 = [50 780];
options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-10,'AbsTol',[1e-10,1e-10]);
[t,y] = ode45(@model,TSpan,Y0,options);
title('tau = 15')
xlabel('time (days)')
legend('T(t)-cancer cells','E(t)-effector cells')
function res = model(t,y)
T = y(1);
E = y(2);
Ttau = T*heaviside(t-tau) ;
Etau = E*heaviside(t-tau) ;
dTdt = r1*T - k1*T*E;
dEdt = r2*T + alpha - u1*E - k1*T*E + (1-epislon)*k1*Ttau*Etau;
res = [dTdt;dEdt];

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