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Combine excel files into one
27 views (last 30 days)
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I want to run a code inside every folder i have an excel file and i want to compare 10 excel files into 1. Can anyone help me?
1 Comment
Mathieu NOE
on 19 Oct 2022
you have to explain what data you want to extract , combine and save.
for the time being your doing things in the for loop that are not even in the saved output excel file (you r'e saving what you simply loaded from the input file)
so you have to explain your logic and probably share some input files as well if we want to test the code
all the best
Accepted Answer
Mathieu NOE
on 19 Oct 2022
Edited: Mathieu NOE
on 9 Nov 2022
so I relicated the same folder tree and file name (same in every folder)
this is a slightly modified code , try it :
path = 'D:\2019';
S = dir(fullfile(path, '*', 'data.xls'))
for k = 1:numel(S)
F = fullfile(S(k).folder,S(k).name);
data = readtable(F);
d = strcat(table2array((data(:,1))), {' '}, table2array((data(:,2 ))));
out = [d data(:,3)]; % date / time / acceleration
out = renamevars(out,'Var1','Date & Time');
Mathieu NOE
on 19 Oct 2022
I have R2020b
maybe your matlab version does not yet contain that function
if you comment / remove the line
out = renamevars(out,'Var1','Date & Time');
you simply end up with a excel file which first column name is by default "Var1", instead of "Date & Time"
does it matters ?
Mathieu NOE
on 21 Oct 2022
Edited: Mathieu NOE
on 21 Oct 2022
hello again
the excel file has as many sheets as files processed (here 3)
01-01-2019 data (1438 collumns) is on sheet 1
02-01-2019 data (1438 collumns) is on sheet 2
03-01-2019 data (1438 collumns) is on sheet 3
but maybe you wanted to merge all data vertical in one sheet ? we can change to that if you want
Mathieu NOE
on 21 Oct 2022
Edited: Mathieu NOE
on 9 Nov 2022
no problemo
here you are :
path = 'D:\2019';
S = dir(fullfile(path, '*', 'data.xls'))
out = [];
for k = 1:numel(S)
F = fullfile(S(k).folder,S(k).name);
data = readtable(F);
d = strcat(table2array((data(:,1))), {' '}, table2array((data(:,2 ))));
tmp = [d data(:,3)]; % date / time / acceleration
out = [out;tmp]; % vertical concatenation
%out = renamevars(out,'Var1','Date & Time');
Mathieu NOE
on 24 Oct 2022
Edited: Mathieu NOE
on 9 Nov 2022
hello again
to your first comment, I used also fullfile to make sure the ouput excel file is located in the right directory
to your second request see the code below (that includes the modification above)
if you want to make a generic code , the main section should become a function, then you would simply loop according to how much of input files must be processed for one excel output file
path = 'D:\2019';
S = dir(fullfile(path, '*', 'data.xls'));
%% export 1 : first five (01-01-2019 to 05-01-2019)
n = 5;
out = [];
filename_out = 'file1.xls';
for k = 1:n
F = fullfile(S(k).folder,S(k).name);
data = readtable(F);
d = strcat(table2array(data(:,1)), {' '}, table2array(data(:,2 )));
tmp = [d data(:,3)]; % date / time / acceleration
out = [out;tmp]; % vertical concatenation
%out = renamevars(out,'Var1','Date & Time');
%% export 2 : for the rest (06-01-2019 to 10-01-2019)
out = [];
filename_out = 'file2.xls';
for k = n+1:numel(S)
F = fullfile(S(k).folder,S(k).name);
data = readtable(F);
d = strcat(table2array(data(:,1)), {' '}, table2array(data(:,2 )));
tmp = [d data(:,3)]; % date / time / acceleration
out = [out;tmp]; % vertical concatenation
%out = renamevars(out,'Var1','Date & Time');
Mathieu NOE
on 24 Oct 2022
Edited: Mathieu NOE
on 9 Nov 2022
simply change the start / stop index in the for loop :
for k = 3:7 .... see below
path = 'D:\2019';
S = dir(fullfile(path, '*', 'data.xls'));
%% export folders 3 to 7
out = [];
filename_out = 'file3to7.xls';
for k = 3:7 % export folders 3 to 7
F = fullfile(S(k).folder,S(k).name);
data = readtable(F);
d = strcat(table2array(data(:,1)), {' '}, table2array(data(:,2 )));
tmp = [d data(:,3)]; % date / time / acceleration
out = [out;tmp]; % vertical concatenation
%out = renamevars(out,'Var1','Date & Time');
Mathieu NOE
on 25 Oct 2022
Edited: Mathieu NOE
on 9 Nov 2022
the excel files attached in your previous comment are not daily data as far as I have understood your problem
for me the daily files are your "041A0259.xls" files and that is what I used again to propose you a better and more verstaile code
now you can easily parametrize :
- which folders you want ( first and last folders number are used in the name of the output excel file, so you don't have to rename manually each time)
- which columns of data you want (we could also put first / last columns values in the output excel file name if that is interesting for you)
I also noticed that those two lines of code are not needed , we can remove them without changing anything to the output data structure
d = strcat(table2array(data(:,1)), {' '}, table2array(data(:,2 )));
tmp = [d data(:,3)]; % date / time / acceleration
so this is my latest release , check it out !
path = 'D:\2019';
S = dir(fullfile(path, '*', 'data.xls'));
%% export folders defined below
% folders_to_export = (1:3); % case 1
folders_to_export = (3:7); % case 2
%% select columns (indexes) to keep
% columns_to_keep = (1:3); % case 1 : only first 3 columns : date / time / acceleration
columns_to_keep = (1:13); % case 2 : only first 13 columns
% columns_to_keep = (1:37); % case 3 : all columns
%% main loop
out = [];
filename_out = ['file_folders' num2str(folders_to_export(1)) 'to' num2str(folders_to_export(end)) '.xls']; % the excel output name contains the selected folders
for ci = 1:numel(folders_to_export) % export folders according to values in vector 'folders_to_export'
k = folders_to_export(ci)
F = fullfile(S(k).folder,S(k).name);
data = readtable(F);
out = [out;data(:,columns_to_keep)]; % vertical concatenation
Mathieu NOE
on 25 Oct 2022
as always
my pleasure !
Mathieu NOE
on 25 Oct 2022
you can also select the columns this way (4th option) : here I keep 4 columns : 1,2,3,15 th column of data file
%% select columns (indexes) to keep
% columns_to_keep = (1:3); % case 1 : only first 3 columns : date / time / acceleration
% columns_to_keep = (1:13); % case 2 : only first 13 columns
% columns_to_keep = (1:37); % case 3 : all columns
columns_to_keep = [1 2 3 15]; % case 4 : select specific columns
Mathieu NOE
on 4 Nov 2022
ok I'll see how to make it automatic ... but I will do that a bit latter as I am busy today
Mathieu NOE
on 4 Nov 2022
Edited: Mathieu NOE
on 9 Nov 2022
try this , I hope it's working fine on your side too
path = 'D:\2019'; % you
S = dir(fullfile(path, '*', 'data.xls'));
%% export folders by month
folders_to_export = numel(S); % case "monthly"
%% select columns (indexes) to keep
% columns_to_keep = (1:3); % case 1 : only first 3 columns : date / time / acceleration
% columns_to_keep = (1:13); % case 2 : only first 13 columns
% columns_to_keep = (1:37); % case 3 : all columns
columns_to_keep = [1 2 3 15]; % case 4 : select specific columns
%% main loop
month_number_old = 1;
out = [];
for ci = 1:folders_to_export % export folders according to values in vector 'folders_to_export'
folder_name = S(ci).folder;
file_name = S(ci).name;
% detect month
month_number = extractBetween(folder_name,'-','-');
month_number = str2num(month_number{:});
% month_name = datestr(datetime(1,month_number,1),'mmmm');
if month_number > month_number_old % we are switching to the next month
% 1 / save previous month data
month_name = datestr(datetime(1,month_number_old,1),'mmmm');
filename_out = [month_name '.xls']; % the excel output name contains the selected folders
% 2 / start a new data concat (1st iteration)
month_number_old = month_number; % update month_number_old
F = fullfile(folder_name,file_name);
data = readtable(F);
out = [data(:,columns_to_keep)]; % vertical concatenation
else % we are still in the same month so keep concat data
F = fullfile(folder_name,file_name);
data = readtable(F);
out = [out;data(:,columns_to_keep)]; % vertical concatenation
% if we have reached the last iteration (last folder), then
% save the data (this last case is not covered by the if/else loop
% above)
if ci == folders_to_export
month_name = datestr(datetime(1,month_number,1),'mmmm');
filename_out = [month_name '.xls']; % the excel output name contains the selected folders
Mathieu NOE
on 7 Nov 2022
Edited: Mathieu NOE
on 9 Nov 2022
yes you can either do it manually :
filename_out = ['Sensor1_'month_name '.xls'];
or if the data files contains the sensor reference we could also automatically pick that info
do you have such files to share ?
for the NaN's , yes they appear in the matlab tables but once I save them to xls they don't show up as NaN in excel
Mathieu NOE
on 7 Nov 2022
Sorry this was a typo
this is now correct :
filename_out = ['Sensor1_' month_name '.xls'];
Mathieu NOE
on 7 Nov 2022
Edited: Mathieu NOE
on 9 Nov 2022
NB you have two lines in the code where we use filename_out
to avoid any mistake when you change the Sensor name / number I prefer to put a specific line at the beginning so that both lines are modified at the same time
sensor = 'Sensor1_'
makes the code more robust
path = 'D:\2019'; % you
S = dir(fullfile(path, '*', 'data.xls'));
%% export folders by month
folders_to_export = numel(S); % case "monthly"
%% select columns (indexes) to keep
% columns_to_keep = (1:3); % case 1 : only first 3 columns : date / time / acceleration
% columns_to_keep = (1:13); % case 2 : only first 13 columns
% columns_to_keep = (1:37); % case 3 : all columns
columns_to_keep = [1 2 3 15]; % case 4 : select specific columns
%% main loop
sensor = 'Sensor1_'
month_number_old = 1;
out = [];
for ci = 1:folders_to_export % export folders according to values in vector 'folders_to_export'
folder_name = S(ci).folder;
file_name = S(ci).name;
% detect month
month_number = extractBetween(folder_name,'-','-');
month_number = str2num(month_number{:});
if month_number > month_number_old % we are switching to the next month
% 1 / save previous month data
month_name = datestr(datetime(1,month_number_old,1),'mmmm');
filename_out = [sensor month_name '.xls']; % the excel output name contains the selected folders
% 2 / start a new data concat (1st iteration)
month_number_old = month_number; % update month_number_old
F = fullfile(folder_name,file_name);
data = readtable(F);
out = [data(:,columns_to_keep)]; % vertical concatenation
else % we are still in the same month so keep concat data
F = fullfile(folder_name,file_name);
data = readtable(F);
out = [out;data(:,columns_to_keep)]; % vertical concatenation
% if we have reached the last iteration (last folder), then
% save the data (this last case is not covered by the if/else loop
% above)
if ci == folders_to_export
month_name = datestr(datetime(1,month_number,1),'mmmm');
filename_out = [sensor month_name '.xls'];
Mathieu NOE
on 7 Nov 2022
try this
path = pwd;
S = dir([path '\*.xls']);
% create "list" ( month numbers matching month position )
n = 0;
list = [];
list_month = {'January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'}';
for k = 1:numel(S)
tmp = split(S(k).name,{'_','.'}); % keep only the month string extracted from excel file filename (format : "Sensor1_January.xls")
if contains(tmp{1},'Sensor') % select only valid xls files (with "Sensor" in the name)
n = n+1;
[tf,idx] = ismember(tmp{2},list_month);% look for membership with month list (idx contains position in list)
list(n) = idx;
[newlist,order] = sort(list);
% execute the data concatenation following the numbers listed in "order"
out = [];
for k = 1:numel(order)
filename = S(order(k)).name % see command window : now excel files are processed in correct order
F = fullfile(path,filename);
data = readtable(F);
out = [out;data];
writetable(out, 'all_data.xls');
Mathieu NOE
on 7 Nov 2022
Edited: Mathieu NOE
on 7 Nov 2022
so the code worked for all excel files ?
can you share what you have in variable "out"
(you can save it in a mat file and use the paperclip button)
Mathieu NOE
on 7 Nov 2022
or if you could share the 12 excel files ?
Mathieu NOE
on 7 Nov 2022
I understand
I have made this code assuming you wantes the excel files start with "Sensor. like : "Sensor.._January.xls"
we can change that if this is no more your wish
Mathieu NOE
on 7 Nov 2022
ok , so I changed the code for files not having "Sensor." in their names , simply the month names
path = pwd;
S = dir([path '\*.xls']);
% create "list" ( month numbers matching month position )
n = 0;
list = [];
list_month = {'January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'}';
for k = 1:numel(S)
tmp = split(S(k).name,{'_','.'}); % keep only the month string extracted from excel file filename (format : "Sensor1_January.xls")
[tf,idx] = ismember(tmp{1},list_month);% look for membership with month list (idx contains position in list)
list(k) = idx;
list = list(list>0); % remove non valid xls files
[newlist,order] = sort(list);
% execute the data concatenation following the numbers listed in "order"
out = [];
for k = 1:numel(order)
filename = S(order(k)).name % see command window : now excel files are processed in correct order
F = fullfile(path,filename);
data = readtable(F);
out = [out;data];
writetable(out, 'all_data.xls');
Mathieu NOE
on 7 Nov 2022
there must be another reason, but not the size by itself...
Is there any maximum for the size of matlab table? - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central (
can you try with only 2 or 3 excel (months) files and then increase to see if it happens at a particuar number of monthes ?
Mathieu NOE
on 8 Nov 2022
Now I remember that there is a maximum size for excel spreadsheets
the older format (xls) is even more limited than the newer one (xlsx) :
Excel versions 97-2003 (Windows) have a file extension of XLS and the worksheet size is 65,536 rows and 256 columns.
In Excel 2007 and 2010 the default file extension is XLSX and the worksheet size is 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns
So change to xlsx format when you use writetable in the code (for large tables)
Mathieu NOE
on 8 Nov 2022
Edited: Mathieu NOE
on 9 Nov 2022
that is strange
when I do the concatenation with my code and 3 files (Jan / Feb / Nov , the last two are simply a copy of Jan data) I have correct dispaly of time for both xls and xlsx annual files :
Mathieu NOE
on 8 Nov 2022
maybe this is more an excel problem - does it change when you force the column to be format "hour:min" ?
progressbar is nice to have - why reinventing the wheel ?
FYI, you don't have to have all the functions in the working directory
I have created my own directory where I store all functions I have either created or downloaded
you simply need to add it to matlab path so it's accessible from everywhere
Mathieu NOE
on 9 Nov 2022
you have to force the cell format according to what you want - by default excel may not know how you want the data to be displayed
for the date , here I forced the column cell format to be yyyy-mm-dd. The extra time display (which was always 00:00) has disappeared now
Mathieu NOE
on 1 Mar 2023
hello again
the code works even if monthly data files are missing
If you don't have January.xls file for example, the code will start with February data
Mathieu NOE
on 1 Mar 2023
what do you have in variable "out" in this case ? empty ?
Mathieu NOE
on 1 Mar 2023
what is the value of folders_to_export ?
Mathieu NOE
on 1 Mar 2023
I have no issue with the code whatever the number of folders (present or not) where you have the data file ()
so I wonder if you have the same folder structure and data file name as me
folders (my example) : (year - month - day)
each folder (one day) contains one file , with always the same name : 041A0259.xls
Mathieu NOE
on 1 Mar 2023
could you zip the 275 folders and send it to me ?
Mathieu NOE
on 3 Mar 2023
I fixed the problem (the original code was assuming we would always start with January data)
now I simply check first wich months are present in the folder and start with the first available month (here April)
otherwise no big change in the main code
I tested it on my side and it seems to work well
here the updated code :
% you
path = 'D:\';
S = dir(fullfile(path, '*', 'data.xls'));
%% export folders by month
folders_to_export = numel(S); % case "monthly"
%% select columns (indexes) to keep
% columns_to_keep = (1:3); % case 1 : only first 3 columns : date / time / acceleration
% columns_to_keep = (1:13); % case 2 : only first 13 columns
% columns_to_keep = (1:37); % case 3 : all columns
columns_to_keep = [1 2 3 15]; % case 4 : select specific columns
% get list of monthes (unique)
folders_month_numbers = extractBetween([S.folder],'-','-');
folders_month_numbers = unique(str2double(folders_month_numbers)); % unique and sorted month values
%% main loop
% sensor = 'Sensor1_'; % add this prefix to the output excel file name
sensor = ''; % no prefix
month_number_old = folders_month_numbers(1); % init to first month number extracted from above (folders_month_numbers)
out = [];
for ci = 1:folders_to_export % export folders according to values in vector 'folders_to_export'
folder_name = S(ci).folder;
file_name = S(ci).name;
% detect month
month_number = extractBetween(folder_name,'-','-');
month_number = str2num(month_number{:});
if month_number > month_number_old % we are switching to the next month
% 1 / save previous month data
month_name = datestr(datetime(1,month_number_old,1),'mmmm');
filename_out = [sensor month_name '.xls']; % the excel output name contains the selected folders
% 2 / start a new data concat (1st iteration)
month_number_old = month_number; % update month_number_old
F = fullfile(folder_name,file_name);
data = readtable(F);
out = [data(:,columns_to_keep)]; % vertical concatenation
else % we are still in the same month so keep concat data
F = fullfile(folder_name,file_name);
data = readtable(F);
out = [out;data(:,columns_to_keep)]; % vertical concatenation
if ci == folders_to_export
month_name = datestr(datetime(1,month_number,1),'mmmm');
filename_out = [sensor month_name '.xls'];
Mathieu NOE
on 3 Mar 2023
My pleasure !
Mathieu NOE
on 15 Apr 2024
hello again
could you share some files so I can test the new code ?
Mathieu NOE
on 16 Apr 2024
seems to me the file names do not contain the years, so it should be mm_dd_HH_MM_ss.csv (and not mm_dd_yy_HH_MM_ss.csv)
so if this is true , here below some code that I hope will work also for you
it assumes you have only one month max of files in your current folder , because I have only coded a routine that checks which day we are , regardless of month
also I don't know what info is usefull to retrieve from the csv files , so I opted to read them as cells, and save again the results as cells into xlsx output file
with the provided 3 csv files , the output excal file name is 03-05.xlsx (same month = 3, same day = 5)
hope it helps !
% I have inside a folder minutely generated files (with format mm_dd_yy_HH_MM_ss.csv),
% how can the above code be modified in order to create daily files?
% correction : format should be : mm_dd_HH_MM_ss.csv (year is not present)
% you
path = 'D:\';
S = dir(fullfile(path, '*.csv'));
N = numel(S); %
%% main loop
% sensor = 'Sensor1_'; % add this prefix to the output excel file name
sensor = ''; % no prefix
day_previous = 1; % init to default value (day 1)
out = [];
for ci = 1:N % loop over number of files
folder_name = S(ci).folder;
filename = S(ci).name; % format mm_dd_HH_MM_ss.csv
tmp = str2double(split(filename(1:length(filename) - 4),'_'));
% compute month / day / ...
month = tmp(1);
day = tmp(2);
% hour = tmp(3);
% minutes = tmp(4);
% seconds = tmp(5);
if day > day_previous % we are switching to the next day
% 1 / save previous daily data (if data is non empty !)
if ~isempty(out)
filename_out = [sprintf('%02d',month) '-' sprintf('%02d',day_previous) '.xlsx']; % the excel output name contains month and day values
% 2 / start a new data concat (1st iteration)
day_previous = day; % update
F = fullfile(folder_name,filename);
data = readcell(F,"Delimiter",",");
out = [data]; %
else % we are still in the same day so keep concat data
F = fullfile(folder_name,filename);
data = readcell(F,"Delimiter",",");
out = [out;data]; % vertical concatenation
% save last daily data
if ci == N
filename_out = [sprintf('%02d',month) '-' sprintf('%02d',day) '.xlsx']; % the excel output name contains month and day values
on 16 Apr 2024
Thank you for your answer!
Unfortunatelly I had "Undefined function or variable 'readcell'" error (i run Matlab 2018b).
Mathieu NOE
on 16 Apr 2024
ok, so this is a fix for older matlab releases - download the two functions in attachment
in the code I replaced :
- readcell function with csv2cellfast
- writecell function with cell2csv
NB that now the output files are now in csv format
Code updated :
% you
path = 'D:\';
S = dir(fullfile(path, '*.csv'));
N = numel(S); %
%% main loop
% sensor = 'Sensor1_'; % add this prefix to the output excel file name
sensor = ''; % no prefix
day_previous = 1; % init to default value (day 1)
out = [];
for ci = 1:N % loop over number of files
folder_name = S(ci).folder;
filename = S(ci).name; % format mm_dd_HH_MM_ss.csv
tmp = str2double(split(filename(1:length(filename) - 4),'_'));
% compute month / day / ...
month = tmp(1);
day = tmp(2);
% hour = tmp(3);
% minutes = tmp(4);
% seconds = tmp(5);
if day > day_previous % we are switching to the next day
% 1 / save previous daily data (if data is non empty !)
if ~isempty(out)
filename_out = [sprintf('%02d',month) '-' sprintf('%02d',day_previous) '.csv']; % the excel output name contains month and day values
% 2 / start a new data concat (1st iteration)
day_previous = day; % update
F = fullfile(folder_name,filename);
data = csv2cellfast(F,'fromfile');
out = [data]; %
else % we are still in the same day so keep concat data
F = fullfile(folder_name,filename);
data = csv2cellfast(F,'fromfile');
out = [out;data]; % vertical concatenation
% save last daily data
if ci == N
filename_out = [sprintf('%02d',month) '-' sprintf('%02d',day) '.csv']; % the excel output name contains month and day values
Mathieu NOE
on 17 Apr 2024
ok, I will work on that topic (how to plot the data)
but what you have in your mat file is correct, : for each line , you have five cells containing the line splitted in 5 pieces (because there are four commas, and we asked to split according to commas, but we could have done it differently - because I was not sure what info / data / format you want to keep or store or plot from the many csv files.
just for your info I compared the first input csv file (first line) with the corresponding first line of the output csv file, and then your mat file - everything matches (according to my explanation above) :
input file : 03_05_23_34_00.csv
first line :
Tue Mar 5 23:34:00 2024 34{'y': 1.2282254516601563, 'x': 1.9823989746093749, 'z': -10.158597644042969}{'y': 0.5572519083969466, 'x': -2.2213740458015265, 'z': -0.8549618320610687}
output file : 03-05.csv
first line :
Tue Mar 5 23:34:00 2024 34{'y': 1.2282254516601563, 'x': 1.9823989746093749, 'z': -10.158597644042969}{'y': 0.5572519083969466, 'x': -2.2213740458015265, 'z': -0.8549618320610687}
it's identical !
your mat file :
tmp = data(1,:); % to extract the first line
tmp(:) = 5×1 cell array
{'Tue Mar 5 23:36:00 2024 36{'y': 1.4125789794921875'}
{' 'x': 1.7836802368164062' }
{' 'z': -10.12507882080078}{'y': 0.9312977099236641' }
{' 'x': -2.236641221374046' }
{' 'z': -1.0229007633587786}' }
=> five cells containing the line splitted in 5 pieces (because there are four commas)
maybe if you need only the x,y,z data (not the dates ?) we can even make the whole process a bit simpler and faster , instead of storing everythingin cells.
Mathieu NOE
on 17 Apr 2024
try this new code
I made few changes - it's faster now because we are not loading anymore the data to cells and we don't save the final result as cells to csv files either (a not so fast method)
instead we load the data simply as a big char array , do the daily concatenation, then save again from char to csv file.
Then we need to extract the x,y,z data from the final char array - to make this simpler, I put the more complex code into a function ([x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2] = extract_xyz(out)) so the main code remains simpler to read.
there should be one figure per day that display both x,y,z data sets
to make this code works , you need to download the attached function (freadtxt.m) ;
try it !
% you
path = 'D:\';
S = dir(fullfile(path, '*00.csv'));
N = numel(S); %
%% main loop
% sensor = 'Sensor1_'; % add this prefix to the output excel file name
sensor = ''; % no prefix
day_previous = 1; % init to default value (day 1)
out = [];
for ci = 1:N % loop over number of files
folder_name = S(ci).folder;
filename = S(ci).name; % format mm_dd_HH_MM_ss.csv
tmp = str2double(split(filename(1:length(filename) - 4),'_'));
% compute month / day / ...
month = tmp(1);
day = tmp(2);
if day > day_previous % we are switching to the next day
% 1 / save previous daily data (if data is non empty !)
if ~isempty(out)
filename_out = [sprintf('%02d',month) '-' sprintf('%02d',day_previous) '.csv']; % the output name contains month and day values
% save the data in output file (comment this section if you don't
% need to save)
% plot the data
[x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2] = extract_xyz(out); % see function below
% extract x,y,z datas from "out" char array
% data are organized as follows (two sets of y/x/z datas side by side)
% {'y': 1.22, 'x': 1.98, 'z': -10.15}{'y': 0.55, 'x': -2.22, 'z': -0.85}
title(['Data plot for day = ' num2str(day_previous)]);
hold on
hold off
% 2 / start a new data concat (1st iteration)
day_previous = day; % update
F = fullfile(folder_name,filename);
data = freadtxt(F);
out = [data]; %
else % we are still in the same day so keep concat data
F = fullfile(folder_name,filename);
data = freadtxt(F);
out = [out data]; % horizontal concatenation
% save last daily data
if ci == N
filename_out = [sprintf('%02d',month) '-' sprintf('%02d',day) '.csv']; % the output name contains month and day values
% save the data in output file (comment this section if you don't
% need to save)
% plot the data
[x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2] = extract_xyz(out); % see function below
% extract x,y,z datas from "out" char array
% data are organized as follows (two sets of y/x/z datas side by side)
% {'y': 1.22, 'x': 1.98, 'z': -10.15}{'y': 0.55, 'x': -2.22, 'z': -0.85}
title(['Data plot for day = ' num2str(day)]);
hold on
hold off
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
function [x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2] = extract_xyz(out)
% extract x,y,z datas from "out" char array
% data are organized as follows (two sets of y/x/z datas side by side)
% {'y': 1.22, 'x': 1.98, 'z': -10.15}{'y': 0.55, 'x': -2.22, 'z': -0.85}
tmp = extractBetween(out,'{','}'); % we get both sets of data in alternate way
[m,~] = size(tmp);
% first data set
tmp1 = tmp((1:2:m),:);
% Calling the regexp() function over the above cell array to extract number part
B = regexp(tmp1,'-?[0-9]+.[0-9]+', 'match'); % extract numeric parts inside the cell
for k=1:numel(B)
tmp1_out(k,:) = str2double([B{k}]);
y1 = tmp1_out(:,1);
x1 = tmp1_out(:,2);
z1 = tmp1_out(:,3);
% second data set
tmp2 = tmp((2:2:m),:);
% Calling the regexp() function over the above cell array to extract number part
B = regexp(tmp2,'-?[0-9]+.[0-9]+', 'match'); % extract numeric parts inside the cell
for k=1:numel(B)
tmp2_out(k,:) = str2double([B{k}]);
y2 = tmp2_out(:,1);
x2 = tmp2_out(:,2);
z2 = tmp2_out(:,3);
Mathieu NOE
on 17 Apr 2024
this is a small improvement , so the time axis is now given in minutes , instead of samples
% you
path = 'D:\';
S = dir(fullfile(path, '*00.csv'));
N = numel(S); %
%% main loop
% sensor = 'Sensor1_'; % add this prefix to the output excel file name
sensor = ''; % no prefix
day_previous = 1; % init to default value (day 1)
out = [];
for ci = 1:N % loop over number of files
folder_name = S(ci).folder;
filename = S(ci).name; % format mm_dd_HH_MM_ss.csv
tmp = str2double(split(filename(1:length(filename) - 4),'_'));
% compute month / day / ...
month = tmp(1);
day = tmp(2);
if day > day_previous % we are switching to the next day
% 1 / save previous daily data (if data is non empty !)
if ~isempty(out)
filename_out = [sprintf('%02d',month) '-' sprintf('%02d',day_previous) '.csv']; % the output name contains month and day values
% save the data in output file (comment this section if you don't
% need to save)
% plot the data
[x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2] = extract_xyz(out); % see function below
% extract x,y,z datas from "out" char array
% data are organized as follows (two sets of y/x/z datas side by side)
% {'y': 1.22, 'x': 1.98, 'z': -10.15}{'y': 0.55, 'x': -2.22, 'z': -0.85}
% create time vector, in minutes for the display
time = (0:numel(x1)-1)*dt/(60); % division by (60) to go from seconds to minutes
title(['Data plot for day = ' num2str(day_previous)]);
% 2 / start a new data concat (1st iteration)
day_previous = day; % update
F = fullfile(folder_name,filename);
data = freadtxt(F);
out = [data]; % store data
% new : define sampling time - we have 1 minute record per file
samples = count(data,'''y''')/2; % division by 2 because the pattern 'y' appears twice per line
dt = 60/samples; % sampling time in seconds
else % we are still in the same day so keep concat data
F = fullfile(folder_name,filename);
data = freadtxt(F);
out = [out data]; % horizontal concatenation
% save last daily data
if ci == N
filename_out = [sprintf('%02d',month) '-' sprintf('%02d',day) '.csv']; % the output name contains month and day values
% save the data in output file (comment this section if you don't
% need to save)
% plot the data
[x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2] = extract_xyz(out); % see function below
% extract x,y,z datas from "out" char array
% data are organized as follows (two sets of y/x/z datas side by side)
% {'y': 1.22, 'x': 1.98, 'z': -10.15}{'y': 0.55, 'x': -2.22, 'z': -0.85}
% create time vector, in minutes for the display
time = (0:numel(x1)-1)*dt/(60); % division by (60) to go from seconds to minutes
title(['Data plot for day = ' num2str(day_previous)]);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
function [x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2] = extract_xyz(out)
% extract x,y,z datas from "out" char array
% data are organized as follows (two sets of y/x/z datas side by side)
% {'y': 1.22, 'x': 1.98, 'z': -10.15}{'y': 0.55, 'x': -2.22, 'z': -0.85}
tmp = extractBetween(out,'{','}'); % we get both sets of data in alternate way
[m,~] = size(tmp);
% first data set
tmp1 = tmp((1:2:m),:);
% Calling the regexp() function over the above cell array to extract number part
B = regexp(tmp1,'-?[0-9]+.[0-9]+', 'match'); % extract numeric parts inside the cell
for k=1:numel(B)
tmp1_out(k,:) = str2double([B{k}]);
y1 = tmp1_out(:,1);
x1 = tmp1_out(:,2);
z1 = tmp1_out(:,3);
% second data set
tmp2 = tmp((2:2:m),:);
% Calling the regexp() function over the above cell array to extract number part
B = regexp(tmp2,'-?[0-9]+.[0-9]+', 'match'); % extract numeric parts inside the cell
for k=1:numel(B)
tmp2_out(k,:) = str2double([B{k}]);
y2 = tmp2_out(:,1);
x2 = tmp2_out(:,2);
z2 = tmp2_out(:,3);
Mathieu NOE
on 17 Apr 2024
my last code should give you time in minutes
t = 0 (origin) is de fined as the first sample of the first file
now your files are already big as the sampling rate is very high (more than 6000 samples per minute)
so I would not even try to put all dates for each individual samples on the Xticks or it will be completely unreadable at the end
do you need the "true" date (that is in the csv file) or only a time vector as I did above ?
if we plot the data for each day , maybe ploting only hours or minutes is enough ?
Mathieu NOE
on 17 Apr 2024
I made a simple modification so that my time vector is not starting always at 0
but, as we have the time info in the csv files names, I can initialize my time vector with these infos
for example, with your provided files , time would start at t = 34 min (day 5)
this is now used in the plot

% you
path = 'D:\';
S = dir(fullfile(path, '*00.csv'));
N = numel(S); %
%% main loop
% sensor = 'Sensor1_'; % add this prefix to the output excel file name
sensor = ''; % no prefix
day_previous = 1; % init to default value (day 1)
out = [];
for ci = 1:N % loop over number of files
folder_name = S(ci).folder;
filename = S(ci).name; % format mm_dd_HH_MM_ss.csv
tmp = str2double(split(filename(1:length(filename) - 4),'_'));
% compute month / day / ...
month = tmp(1);
day = tmp(2);
hour = tmp(3);
minutes = tmp(4);
seconds = tmp(5);
if day > day_previous % we are switching to the next day
% 1 / save previous daily data (if data is non empty !)
if ~isempty(out)
filename_out = [sprintf('%02d',month) '-' sprintf('%02d',day_previous) '.csv']; % the output name contains month and day values
% save the data in output file (comment this section if you don't
% need to save)
% plot the data
[x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2] = extract_xyz(out); % see function below
% extract x,y,z datas from "out" char array
% data are organized as follows (two sets of y/x/z datas side by side)
% {'y': 1.22, 'x': 1.98, 'z': -10.15}{'y': 0.55, 'x': -2.22, 'z': -0.85}
% create time vector, in minutes for the display
time = ((0:numel(x1)-1)*dt + seconds)/60 + minutes; % division by (60) to go from seconds to minutes
title(['Data plot for day = ' num2str(day_previous)]);
% 2 / start a new data concat (1st iteration)
day_previous = day; % update
F = fullfile(folder_name,filename);
data = freadtxt(F);
out = [data]; % store data
% new : define sampling time - we have 1 minute record per file
samples = count(data,'''y''')/2; % division by 2 because the pattern 'y' appears twice per line
dt = 60/samples; % sampling time in seconds
else % we are still in the same day so keep concat data
F = fullfile(folder_name,filename);
data = freadtxt(F);
out = [out data]; % horizontal concatenation
% save last daily data
if ci == N
filename_out = [sprintf('%02d',month) '-' sprintf('%02d',day) '.csv']; % the output name contains month and day values
% save the data in output file (comment this section if you don't
% need to save)
% plot the data
[x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2] = extract_xyz(out); % see function below
% extract x,y,z datas from "out" char array
% data are organized as follows (two sets of y/x/z datas side by side)
% {'y': 1.22, 'x': 1.98, 'z': -10.15}{'y': 0.55, 'x': -2.22, 'z': -0.85}
% create time vector, in minutes for the display
time = ((0:numel(x1)-1)*dt + seconds)/60 + minutes; % division by (60) to go from seconds to minutes
title(['Data plot for day = ' num2str(day_previous)]);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
function [x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2] = extract_xyz(out)
% extract x,y,z datas from "out" char array
% data are organized as follows (two sets of y/x/z datas side by side)
% {'y': 1.22, 'x': 1.98, 'z': -10.15}{'y': 0.55, 'x': -2.22, 'z': -0.85}
tmp = extractBetween(out,'{','}'); % we get both sets of data in alternate way
[m,~] = size(tmp);
% first data set
tmp1 = tmp((1:2:m),:);
% Calling the regexp() function over the above cell array to extract number part
B = regexp(tmp1,'-?[0-9]+.[0-9]+', 'match'); % extract numeric parts inside the cell
for k=1:numel(B)
tmp1_out(k,:) = str2double([B{k}]);
y1 = tmp1_out(:,1);
x1 = tmp1_out(:,2);
z1 = tmp1_out(:,3);
% second data set
tmp2 = tmp((2:2:m),:);
% Calling the regexp() function over the above cell array to extract number part
B = regexp(tmp2,'-?[0-9]+.[0-9]+', 'match'); % extract numeric parts inside the cell
for k=1:numel(B)
tmp2_out(k,:) = str2double([B{k}]);
y2 = tmp2_out(:,1);
x2 = tmp2_out(:,2);
z2 = tmp2_out(:,3);
Mathieu NOE
on 17 Apr 2024
sorry, I am not sure to understand
do you want to take the mean (average) of your data ?
I don't know if this is what you wanted , but we could make the average of every (1 minute) csv file, so at the end you would have a graph with 1 min averaging (and for a full day we would then have 24*60 values)
Mathieu NOE
on 17 Apr 2024
ok - I one word, you want to detrend the data (there is a function detrend for that, or if you simply want to remove the mean value, you can also like you said )
Mathieu NOE
on 17 Apr 2024
ok, this is the new vesion with detrending (done in the function [x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2] = extract_xyz(out))
I also did a modification on how to generate the time vector. This new version can handle the case of missing csv input files and creates a gap for the missing file
in my situation, I have 3 files corresponding to t = 34 , 35 and 36 minutes
if for any reason, there is no "35 min" file (or any number of missing files) , I wanted that we see a gap corresponding to the missing file(s).
In the previous code this gap would not happen
now, with the new code (below) , if for example, you remove the file 03_05_23_35_00.csv from the folder, you see this gap and the time vector matches the fact that we have started at t = 34 min and we must stop at t = 36+1 = 37 min

Code :
% you
path = 'D:\';
S = dir(fullfile(path, '*00.csv'));
N = numel(S); %
%% main loop
% sensor = 'Sensor1_'; % add this prefix to the output excel file name
sensor = ''; % no prefix
day_previous = 1; % init to default value (day 1)
out = [];
time = [];
time_total = [];
for ci = 1:N % loop over number of files
folder_name = S(ci).folder;
filename = S(ci).name; % format mm_dd_HH_MM_ss.csv
tmp = str2double(split(filename(1:length(filename) - 4),'_'));
% compute month / day / ...
month = tmp(1);
day = tmp(2);
hour = tmp(3);
minutes = tmp(4);
seconds = tmp(5);
if day > day_previous % we are switching to the next day
% 1 / save previous daily data (if data is non empty !)
if ~isempty(out)
filename_out = [sprintf('%02d',month) '-' sprintf('%02d',day_previous) '.csv']; % the output name contains month and day values
% save the data in output file (comment this section if you don't
% need to save)
% plot the data
[x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2] = extract_xyz(out); % see function below
% extract x,y,z datas from "out" char array
% data are organized as follows (two sets of y/x/z datas side by side)
% {'y': 1.22, 'x': 1.98, 'z': -10.15}{'y': 0.55, 'x': -2.22, 'z': -0.85}
title(['Detrended Data plot for day = ' num2str(day_previous)]);
% 2 / start a new data concat (1st iteration)
day_previous = day; % update
F = fullfile(folder_name,filename);
data = freadtxt(F);
out = [data]; % store data
% define sampling time - we have 1 minute record per file
samples = count(data,'''y''')/2; % division by 2 because the pattern 'y' appears twice per line
dt = 60/samples; % sampling time in seconds
% create one dedicated time vector per input (csv) file
% values are in minutes
time = ((0:samples-1)*dt + seconds)/60 + minutes; % division by (60) to go from seconds to minutes
time_total = [time]; % horizontal concatenation
else % we are still in the same day so keep concat data
F = fullfile(folder_name,filename);
data = freadtxt(F);
out = [out data]; % horizontal concatenation
% define sampling time - we have 1 minute record per file
samples = count(data,'''y''')/2; % division by 2 because the pattern 'y' appears twice per line
dt = 60/samples; % sampling time in seconds
% create one dedicated time vector per input (csv) file
% values are in minutes
time = ((0:samples-1)*dt + seconds)/60 + minutes; % division by (60) to go from seconds to minutes
time_total = [time_total time]; % horizontal concatenation
% save last daily data
if ci == N
filename_out = [sprintf('%02d',month) '-' sprintf('%02d',day) '.csv']; % the output name contains month and day values
% save the data in output file (comment this section if you don't
% need to save)
% plot the data
[x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2] = extract_xyz(out); % see function below
% extract x,y,z datas from "out" char array
% data are organized as follows (two sets of y/x/z datas side by side)
% {'y': 1.22, 'x': 1.98, 'z': -10.15}{'y': 0.55, 'x': -2.22, 'z': -0.85}
title(['Detrended Data plot for day = ' num2str(day_previous)]);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
function [x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2] = extract_xyz(out)
% extract x,y,z datas from "out" char array
% data are organized as follows (two sets of y/x/z datas side by side)
% {'y': 1.22, 'x': 1.98, 'z': -10.15}{'y': 0.55, 'x': -2.22, 'z': -0.85}
tmp = extractBetween(out,'{','}'); % we get both sets of data in alternate way
[m,~] = size(tmp);
% first data set
tmp1 = tmp((1:2:m),:);
% Calling the regexp() function over the above cell array to extract number part
B = regexp(tmp1,'-?[0-9]+.[0-9]+', 'match'); % extract numeric parts inside the cell
for k=1:numel(B)
tmp1_out(k,:) = str2double([B{k}]);
y1 = tmp1_out(:,1);
x1 = tmp1_out(:,2);
z1 = tmp1_out(:,3);
% second data set
tmp2 = tmp((2:2:m),:);
% Calling the regexp() function over the above cell array to extract number part
B = regexp(tmp2,'-?[0-9]+.[0-9]+', 'match'); % extract numeric parts inside the cell
for k=1:numel(B)
tmp2_out(k,:) = str2double([B{k}]);
y2 = tmp2_out(:,1);
x2 = tmp2_out(:,2);
z2 = tmp2_out(:,3);
% detrend the data
x1 = detrend(x1); % removes the best fit linear trend
y1 = detrend(y1); % removes the best fit linear trend
z1 = detrend(z1); % removes the best fit linear trend
x2 = detrend(x2); % removes the best fit linear trend
y2 = detrend(y2); % removes the best fit linear trend
z2 = detrend(z2); % removes the best fit linear trend
Mathieu NOE
on 17 Apr 2024
as always, my pleasure !!
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