Cut Audio Signals (.wav) in specific time.Create a repeat loop to reach the desired time
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Hello friends. I want to make all the audio signals of a database the same in terms of time (for example 12.5 seconds). What loop and functions should be used?
Because some small signals must be repeated to reach 12.5 seconds.Some data cut and some are exactly the same size.So, apparently, we will be faced with 3 states, bigger, smaller and equal
% make a list of wave files in training_data folder
cd training_data\
folderInfo = dir('**/*.wav');
folderInfo1 = dir('**/*.tsv');
folderInfo2 = dir('**/*.txt');
cd ..\
addpath training_data\
% fir bandpass filter design with fc1 = 20/fs/2 and fc2 = 500/fs/2 with
% fs=4000
f = [0 0.005 0.015 0.245 0.255 1];
a = [0 0 1 1 0 0];
b = firpm(100,f,a);
% feature vector calculation
for i=1:length(folderInfo)
x = audioread(folderInfo(i).name);
% signal filtering
xf = filter(b,1,x);
Accepted Answer
Mathieu NOE
on 1 Feb 2023
Edited: Mathieu NOE
on 1 Feb 2023
try this
I tested the code for mono and stereo wav files - should work even for more channels data
now please notice that I made sure to use the correct sampling rate associated with each file - in case they would differ from one file to another, the code will ensure that the total duration is correct - even though your filter would not have the same effect unless you include its coefficients computation inside the main loop (and take account of Fs);
folderInfo = dir('**/*.wav');
folderInfo1 = dir('**/*.tsv');
folderInfo2 = dir('**/*.txt');
cd ..\
addpath training_data\
% fir bandpass filter design with fc1 = 20/fs/2 and fc2 = 500/fs/2 with
% fs=4000
f = [0 0.005 0.015 0.245 0.255 1];
a = [0 0 1 1 0 0];
b = firpm(100,f,a);
% feature vector calculation
duration_target = 12.5; % seconds
for i=1:length(folderInfo)
filename = folderInfo(i).name
[x,Fs] = audioread(filename);
% signal filtering
xf = filter(b,1,x);
% main code
dt = 1/Fs;
[samples,channels] = size(x);
duration = (samples-1)*dt;
duration_ratio = duration/duration_target;
target_duration_samples = (1+duration_target*Fs);
if duration_ratio>1 % truncate
xf_out = xf(1:target_duration_samples,:);
else % do nothing or expand(by repetition and trimming
repetitions = ceil(1/duration_ratio);
xf_out = repmat(xf,repetitions,1); % duplicate (by excess)
xf_out = xf_out(1:target_duration_samples,:); % exact number of samples
% export to wav
filename_out = [filename(1:length(filename)-4) '_out.wav']
More Answers (2)
Walter Roberson
on 11 Feb 2023
[st,t,f]=st(xf_out,25,350,1,1); % still need to bo worked out
The first time you execute that statement, there is not variable named st so MATLAB looks for an st function. The function is run, and you assign the outputs to several variables, including st
The second time you execute that statement, there is now a variable named st so that is an indexing request. But indexing can never have multiple outputs, so MATLAB complains.
Walter Roberson
on 13 Feb 2023
duration = (samples-1)*dt
to add a semi-colon
duration = (samples-1)*dt;
on 20 Feb 2023
Walter Roberson
on 22 Feb 2023
Edited: Walter Roberson
on 22 Feb 2023
projectdir = 'training_data_out';
imgext = '.png';
folderInfo = dir( fullfile(projectdir, '**', '*.wav');
cmap = parula(256);
% working (current) folder
for i=1:length(folderInfo)
filename = fullfile(folderInfo(i).folder, folderInfo(i).name);
[folder, basename] = fileparts(filename);
outfilename = fullfile(folder, [basename imgext]);
[x,Fs] = audioread(filename);
% % st transform
[st_out,t,f]=st(x,25,350,1,1); % still need to bo worked out
zzind = uint8(rescale(zz, 0, 255));
imwrite(zzind, cmap, outfilename);
This creates .png with the same file name in the same folder as the original wav file.
Note that there is no colorbar and no labels or title. Also note that the data is scaled relative to itself, so the colors have no absolute meaning -- if one zz result ranged up to +738 then that +738 would be mapped to the last colour in cmap, and if a different zz result ranged up to +1192 then that +1192 would be mapped to the last colour in cmap for that image. This is the same behaviour you would get with imagesc()
See Also
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