how can I add a line in a video and play it with implay command?

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I want to play a video in which I want a line at a location in the full video, How can I do that. I want to use 'implay' because other methods take a long time and they don't have that many playing options.
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes on 14 May 2016
Mohit - why don't you just read all frames of the video into an mxnx3xk array (assuming true colour frames), insert the line into each frame, and then pass this to implay?
MOHIT on 15 May 2016
Edited: MOHIT on 15 May 2016
Thanks for the suggestion but, I have more than one hour video, storage of that much memory is a problem (It shows an error). If I do this frame by frame using 'for' loop then it will take more time.

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Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 18 Jun 2016
VideoFileReader, modify the frame, VideoFileWriter to write the frame. Afterwards you are left with a movie file you can play with implay

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