Getting an error in symengine when integrating [SOLVED]

3 views (last 30 days)
EDIT - Apologies, apparently my log2stat variable was empty because I mistakenly limited it to 10 and not 24, sorry!!!
Hello all,
I'm getting a weird error in symengine when I run the following code. What's weird is that it worked before and I can't think of anything I changed when it suddenly stopped working...
Essentially it's taking a curve fitting, copying the formula into a symbolic function, then integrating it from zero to a certain point (log2stat) and from that point to 48.
cfctrl = fit(time,control,'gauss5');
parameters = coeffnames(cfctrl); %All the parameter names
values = coeffvalues(cfctrl); %All the parameter values
for idx = 1:numel(parameters)
param = parameters{idx};
l = length(param);
loc = regexp(formulactrl, param); %Location of the parameter within the string
while ~isempty(loc)
%Substitute parameter value
formulactrl = [formulactrl(1:loc-1) num2str(values(idx)) formulactrl(loc+l:end)];
loc = regexp(formulactrl, param);
fxnctrl = str2sym(formulactrl);
df = diff(fxnctrl);
syms x
fxn = df == 0;
log2stat = vpasolve(fxn,x,[0,10]);
ctrl1 = int(fxnctrl,x,0,log2stat)
ctrl2 = int(fxnctrl,x,log2stat,48)
The errors I'm getting are:
Error using symengine
Invalid argument.
Error in sym/int (line 162)
rSym = mupadmex('symobj::intdef',f.s,x.s,a.s,b.s,options);
Error in copycsvsplitthenanalyze (line 64)
ctrl1 = int(fxnctrl,x,0,log2stat)
Thanks in advance!!

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