Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-7056 and the size of the right side is 1-by-213444

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I am writing a code to extract HOG features with the hope of using MATLAB to recognize a picture taken with a webcam. The code that I am having trouble with is code that is borrowed from the Face Recognition with MATLAB seminar by Avi Nehemiah. My pertinent code is as follows:
faceDatabase = imageSet('MarioImageDatabase',"recursive");
trainingFeatures = zeros(size(training,2)*training(1).Count,7056);
featureCount = 1;
for i=1:size(training,2)
for j = 1:training(i).Count
trainingFeatures(featureCount,:) = extractHOGFeatures(read(training(i),j));
trainingLabel{featureCount} = training(i).Description;
featureCount = featureCount + 1;
personIndex{i} = training(i).Description;
I am getting the error "Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-7056 and the size of the right side is 1-by-213444"
The problem is with the line:
trainingFeatures(featureCount,:) = extractHOGFeatures(read(training(i),j));
I have tried changing the number of the .Count in the "trainingFeatures=zeros..." line, but if I change it to 213444 it says the left side is 213444 and the right side is 7056. So it appears that the numbers can be changed, I am just unsure how to get them to equal one another.
For reference, the image set is 3 photos.
The variables in my workspace and their values are as follows:
faceDatabase 1x1 imageSet
featureCount 1
i 1
j 1
training 1x1 imageSet
trainingFeatures 3x213444 double
if I change the .Count to 7056 then the trainingFeatures variable is 3x7056 double
Can you please help me make this work? Thank you in advance.

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 26 Sep 2020
The error is clear..you have initiliazed a array with smaller dimension and you are trying to save more elements in the array.
A = zeros(3) ;
A(1,:) = rand(1,4) ; % this is error, you have to save array of size 1*3
If you know that dimensions are always same than you have to initialize as:
A = zeros(4) ;
A(1,:) = rand(1,4) ;
If you don't know the dimensions of the array, you initialize them as cell.
A = cell(4,1) ;
A{1} = rand(1,3) ;
A{2} = rand(1,4) ;

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