How to make Anova table for data from a factorial experiment

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I'd like to know how MATLAB can be used to create an Anova table like this
% ANOVA_table_for_Entry Speed (wpm)
% =================================================================================
% Effect df SS MS F p
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Participant 15 1424.418 94.961
% Layout 1 103.298 103.298 12.038 0.0034
% Layout_x_Par 15 128.717 8.581
% Trial 4 87.443 21.861 6.108 0.0003
% Trial_x_Par 60 214.745 3.579
% Layout_x_Trial 4 17.638 4.409 1.003 0.4130
% Layout_x_Trial_x_Par 60 263.701 4.395
% =================================================================================
from a data set like this:
11.44 14.93 12.00 12.54 16.85 8.21 11.21 9.67 8.55 9.87
15.76 13.86 14.27 14.72 13.90 7.08 9.97 12.29 11.34 14.21
10.15 9.51 12.28 15.27 12.98 9.42 8.70 10.18 13.94 11.10
The data form a 16 x 10 table. The full data set is in the attached file.
About the data: The data are from a 2 x 5 within-subjects factorial experiment with 16 participants. Each value is the measured entry speed (in words per minute) for a particular participant and test condition. There are 16 rows of data, one for each participant. There are 10 columns of data, one for each test conditions, as now described. The were two independent variables: Layout with 2 levels (Opti and Metropolis) and Trial with 5 levels (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5). The trial data are nested within the layout data. In other words, the layout data are in columns 1-5 (Opti) and 6-10 (Metropolis), and within each set are the data for the five trials.
About the Anova table: The Anova table was generated from this data set, but not using MATLAB.
I'm using MATLAB more and more these days for many analyses and I'm wondering if I can extend my use of MATLAB into the realm of hypothesis testing. Hence this question. Thanks in advance for your help.

Accepted Answer

Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller on 28 Apr 2021
x = readtable('mack_data.txt');
x.Properties.VariableNames = {'o1','o2','o3','o4','o5','m1','m2','m3','m4','m5'};
withinDesign = table([1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2]',[1:5 1:5]','VariableNames',{'Layout','Trial'});
withinDesign.Layout = categorical(withinDesign.Layout);
withinDesign.Trial = categorical(withinDesign.Trial);
rm = fitrm(x,'o1-m5~1','WithinDesign',withinDesign);
Christophe Lambourg
Christophe Lambourg on 5 May 2021
Thanks Scott. By default, the WithinDesign property of the RepeatedMeasuresModel object is a table with a single variable named 'Time', taking integer values from 1 to the number of repeated measures. So :
is equivalent to :
rm = fitrm(T,'Var~Handeness','WithinDesign',table([1],'VariableNames',{'Time'}));
Scott MacKenzie
Scott MacKenzie on 5 May 2021
Thanks for the extra details, Christophe. I'd have never figured that out. Cheers.

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