Alex Taylor - MATLAB Central

Alex Taylor

Last seen: 20 days ago Active since 2011

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Why does Matlab work with any spatial input dimensions in an ONNX network, but other programming languages do not?
To add to @Conor Daly's answer, I just want to note that in the original U-net paper, a tiled t...

5 months ago | 2

YOLOX - training on tiled images and inference on full-size images
The R2024b has a shipping example that demonstrates the use of yolox in tiled training, full sized inference workflows and how t...

6 months ago | 0

Why does imhist() do this?
The function imhist is one of the older functions in the Image Processing Toolbox and we on the development team are aware that ...

10 months ago | 3

How much GPU do I need?
To the above answer I would add: 1) I'm assuming that you are using pretrainedEncoderNetwork or another method to "cut" the inc...

1 year ago | 0

imresize error. "Expected input method to be a string or a character vector. Allowed values are: 'cubic' or 'bicubic'."
If you look at the documentation for previous versions of MATLAB, under the Extended Capabilities section for gpuArray in the im...

3 years ago | 1

Image data augmentation - rotation method
Bilinear for all numeric inputs. Nearest for logical and categorical inputs.

6 years ago | 0

| accepted

problem with volume viewer in image processing toolbox
The behavior being described here is most likely an OpenGL issue. As Grgschmtz points out, the volumeViewer heavily uses hardwar...

7 years ago | 3

Connected Components Labeling on Label Matrix
If you want to implement SLIC yourself, rather than use the implementation that is already in the Image Processing Toolbox as su...

7 years ago | 0

How can I divide image into 3x3 pixels?
The Image Processing Toolbox function blockproc can be used to execute any generic operation on blocked regions of your image. ...

8 years ago | 0

Histogram thresholding to get the threshold point
If you are trying to divide the 1-D feature space of grayscale values into 2 classes, that is exactly what the traditional Otsu ...

8 years ago | 0

I am using the watershed filter to segment the image, but I cannot get enough regions. What can I do to improve the regions I am getting?
If you have R2016a, you can use the superpixels function to obtain the oversegmentation instead of using watershed. http://ww...

9 years ago | 1

Image Processing Min/Max filter
If you have the image processing toolbox, imerode and imdilate are the min/max filters you are looking for and are much faster t...

9 years ago | 2

i am working on image processing using gabor filter. if anyone can help
Any reason why you aren't using imgaborfilt to apply the Gabor filter?

9 years ago | 0

finding dissimilarity between two binary image in a range between 0 and 10
If all you care about is an elementwise similarity metric that is normalized to the range [0 10] similarity = @(A,B) 10*sum...

9 years ago | 0

How can you performing imwarp about the center of an image, not the top left corner?
There are at least two ways to do this with IMWARP. One is to use a composite geometric transformation in which you pre and post...

9 years ago | 1

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How to make Minimum Spanning Tree of Image?
The MATLAB Graph object does all kinds of great graph algorithm related things, including shortest paths, max flow, and minimum ...

9 years ago | 0

| accepted

what exact interpolator is 'cubic'?
Yes, 'cubic' is based on the Catmull-Rom cubic kernel. I agree the documentation for imwarp should be more explicit about this. ...

9 years ago | 2

| accepted

normxcorr2 for template matching: old error in documentation ?
Hi Emmanuel, Sorry for the long delay since you posted this question. Hopefully this will still help. A few points of clarifi...

9 years ago | 0

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How to write function in matlab
The relevant question that everyone wants to know the answer to is: *What is your reason for needing to know how to solve th...

9 years ago | 0

How to rotate an 3D-image / 3D-Matrix
Look at the second example of the documentation for IMWARP: You can p...

9 years ago | 0

i need a matlab code for dark channel prior method
The function imguidedfilter in the Image Processing Toolbox will be of use in implementing this haze removal method. http://r...

9 years ago | 1

How to implement sub-pixel linear interpolation in matlab?
Out of curiosity, why not just use interp2 in MATLAB? Just pass in the image and the x,y query points and you are done.

9 years ago | 2

Find out new coordinates of a point in an image transformed by a polynomial geotransform?
These transforms are not invertable, so they only implement transformPointsInverse. You can use this method to determine where a...

10 years ago | 1

| accepted

Why is imrotate not rotating an image about its center point?
The answer is everything here is working fine, imrotate IS rotating about the center of the input image, and imregtform is corre...

10 years ago | 4

| accepted

Image correlation / matching / alignment
I'd also check out imregcorr for the case of simple transformations up through similarly transformations.

10 years ago | 1

can i use k-means algorithm for segmenting the cell nucleus and cytoplasm?
In this case, I found that I was able to get a reasonably good segmentation of the nucleus by working directly in the RGB colors...

10 years ago | 0

Errors with imcrop or roipoly
Could you please email me code that reproduces this bug? Also, do you know the datatype of the images that you are working with?...

10 years ago | 0

What does the output of imregcorr mean?
Eric, I had been meaning to answer this question days ago and I finally came up for air. Hopefully this answer will still be ...

10 years ago | 0

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how to explain the gabor features
If you are interested in Gabor features for use in texture segmentation, this is a good application paper:

10 years ago | 0

Automatic Image Registration or Alignment in Matlab.
Also look at imregcorr in the image processing toolbox.

10 years ago | 1

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