Different data processing depending on the spatial region of the points
Sure. Use inpolygon to detect in which region a given (x,y) point lies and compute the summation of mx variables accordingly.

1 month ago | 0

Binning matrix data (negative and positive decimals): mean of each 100 rows and create a new matrix
Using sepblockfun() from, B=sepblo...

1 month ago | 1

Deep learning: predict and forward give very inconsistent result with batch normalisation
To get agreement, you need to allow the trained mean and variance to converge: numLayer = 9; numNeurons = 80; layers = featur...

1 month ago | 0

Cannot figure out how to fit a complicated custom equation.
I recommend using fminspleas, downloadable from, for th...

1 month ago | 0

How does dlgradient handle two output layers?
Along the lines of what @Catalytic said, it is hard to envision how you are trying to use dlgradient without seeing that code. A...

1 month ago | 1

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how to extract the learned features from a dlnetwork
featureSet = forward(net,trainData,'Outputs',net.Layers(181).Name);

1 month ago | 0

Is there a setting to move labels on a plot closer
You can use the axis label text object porperties to move them around, e.g., h=gca; h.XLabel.Position(end)=h.XLabel.Position(e...

1 month ago | 0

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When did the syntax for linprog change
At one point, the input syntax for linprog was x=linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,x0,options) but now (R2023b) I see that it has c...

1 month ago | 2 answers | 0




Constrained minimum L1-norm solutions of linear equations
Finds least L1-norm solutions to linear equations C*x=d subject to linear and/or integer constraints.

1 month ago | 13 downloads |

The issue of optimization (minimization) of the average relative error between experimental and calculated data
If you download minL1lin from

1 month ago | 0

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How can I efficiently save and access large arrays generated in nested loops?
I used the following given method to save the data, and it produced an 11 GB file, which seems very large. The memory consumpti...

1 month ago | 0

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Why ILP Solver Switching to Branch-and-Bound?
Assuming you are using intlinprog, it will always uses the branch-and-bound algorithm at some stage of the processing (not sure...

1 month ago | 0

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How to average across tables in a cell
AvgTb=Tb{1}; AvgTb{1}{:,:}=(Tb{1}{:,:}+Tb{2}{:,:}+Tb{3}{:,:})/3;

1 month ago | 0

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Detecting circles in an image to measure inner and outer diameter
Because of the angle of the camera, circular shapes like the ones you are looking for are imaged as ellipses. Since imfindcircle...

1 month ago | 0

Find strings within other strings then pull data from that point
fileContent = fileread('P0300.txt'); prefix="01 3E"; e=" "+digitsPattern(2); pattern = prefix+e+e+e; matches = extractAf...

1 month ago | 0


Array Concatenation with Implicit Expansion
Versions of cat(), horzcat(), and vertcat() that support implicit expansion

2 months ago | 3 downloads |

Finding the closest coordinate from a surface plot based on a X, Y location
F=griddedInterpolant({Slab_strike.x,Slab_strike.y},Slab_strike.z,'linear','nearest'); Strike = F(lon_GMM,lat_GMM);

2 months ago | 0

Is it possible to find the line-of-sight for coarsely spaced and uneven terrain data points?
You coulduse linexline2d from this FEX post,

2 months ago | 0

Split matrix into N Equal Parts by rows
You can also use mat2tiles,

2 months ago | 0

quadprog output: this problem is non-convex
I think you probably should report it as a bug, but a possible workaround would be to approximate the original problem with ineq...

2 months ago | 0

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How to change in marker size in the global legend?
You will probably have to use legendflex from the file exchange,

2 months ago | 1

How to generate vector with non-linear spacing?
a=-1; b=+1; d=1/(b-a)^2; y=d*randn(1,500); x=sort(y+(a+b)/2); stem(x,x.^0); xlim([a,b])

2 months ago | 0

Methods of Detecting and Removing Protrusions in Image
Use bwlalphaclose from this FEX package,

2 months ago | 0

liste vertex into polyhedron
See lcon2vert in this FEX download, which does not require the Optimization Toolbox,

2 months ago | 0

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How can I replace the upper off diagonal(super diagonal) and lower off diagonal(sub diagonal) of a matrix?
n=8; T=diag(rand(n,1)) diagonal=diag(T); offdiagonal=rand(n-1,1)' %desired values B=[ [offdiagonal(:);0], [0;offdiagon...

2 months ago | 0

How can I replace the upper off diagonal(super diagonal) and lower off diagonal(sub diagonal) of a matrix?
n=8; T=diag(repelem(1.8,n)); T(2:2*(n+1):end)=1; T(n+1:2*(n+1):end)=1

2 months ago | 0

Finding the "center" of an extended ring
load Image BW0=BW; A=bwareafilt( imfill(BW,'holes'),1); BW=imclose(A.*BW, strel('disk',3)); B=bwconvhull(~(~A|BW)); m...

2 months ago | 0

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How can I find the set of vertices of hexagons which are adjacent to a random point?
hex=[ 0 -1.0000 -0.8660 -0.5000 -0.8660 0.5000 0 1.0000 0.8660 0.5000 0.8660 ...

2 months ago | 2

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How can I continue training my network from the previous state?
Just call trainnet() again, feeding it your net in its current state, rather than an untrained layer graph. You may wish to adj...

2 months ago | 1

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