lsqnonlin (lsqcurvefit , fmincon) does not change the variables in an optimization process to find the best fit
Consider the various recommendations at,

22 days ago | 1

Loop through list of vectors (ie, the rows of a matrix), applying same "simple" function to each one, on GPU? Should I use arrayfun somehow?
Well whether you use the GPU or not, you don't have to loop across measurements. The operations in your example are trivial to v...

22 days ago | 0

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Hovering in debug mode triggers a jump into methods
I have been experiencing an aggravating thing for the past several Matlab releases and for which I am looking for troubleshootin...

22 days ago | 0 answers | 0



Delete Negative Duplicates from Array
X=randi(9,3,4); X=[X,-X(:,1:2)] map=triu(squeeze(~any(X+reshape(X,3,1,[]),1))); [I,J]=find(map); X(:,[I;J])=[]

23 days ago | 0

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Area under the plot

24 days ago | 0

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fill color between two curve
prf=3500; NumberOfAmbigiousArea=30; m=(1:NumberOfAmbigiousArea); rx = zeros(1,2*length(m)); %%%Distance of Amb Area p=prf...

24 days ago | 1

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pulling non-consistent arrays out of a structure
Here's a way you can extract and concatenate all the x,y data. However, I don't understand what you are trying to do with the m...

25 days ago | 0

How to assign outputs of a function to an anonymous function in order to optimize with lsqcurvefit
% test data xdata = ... [0.9 1.5 13.8 19.8 24.1 28.2 35.2 60.3 74.6 81.3]; ydata = ... [455.2 428.6 124.1 67.3 43.2 28.1 1...

25 days ago | 0

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Converting FEA data as table into n-D gridded-data Array for Use with 'griddedInterpolant'
x=unique(t{:,1}); nx=numel(x); y=unique(t{:,2}); ny=numel(y); z=unique(t{:,3}); nz=numel(z); v=permute( reshape(t{:,4},[ny,...

25 days ago | 0

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LU decomposition with 5 output arguments
dA=decomposition(A,'ldl'); x=dA\b;

25 days ago | 1

How to plot 3D image in MATLAB?
volshow(Image.*(Image>=threshold)) There are also a number of 3D viewers offered on the File Exchange.

27 days ago | 0

Issue with finding circle and it's center in the image
Your posted code cannot be run by us and tested because input data and your homemade imgshow() function are not provided. Howeve...

27 days ago | 0

Matrixes not multiplying correctly using for loops
[n,w]=size(a); [h,m]=size(b); assert(w==h,'Inner dimensions incompatible') c=zeros(n,m); for i = 1 : n for j = 1 : m...

28 days ago | 1

How to plot a large number of rectangles from a matrix
I don't really see why you need to find bounding rectangles to do what you describe. You could just represent the regions as pol...

28 days ago | 0

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Writing a function that accepts input argument that is one of 3 things
Does it want me to print the results of y using the fprintf function? No, it wants you to write the function fcn so that it beh...

29 days ago | 1

Weird unexplainable results when fitting gaussian curve
You need bounds to regularize the problem, load data [~,g]=fit(x(:),y2(:),'gauss1'); R2=g.rsquare [~,g]=fit(x(:),y2(:),...

30 days ago | 1

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Write a MatLab script to plot two ellipses using the plot function
As an example, here is a way to plot an unrotated ellipse of known major/minor axis lengths a,b. a=5; b=3; %major/minor axes ...

30 days ago | 0

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Does lsqnonlin handle a matrix objective function?
The matrix dimensions of the objective function output can be whatever you wish. It doesn't affect anything. The initialGuess c...

30 days ago | 1

I need to run code written for NVIDIA GPUs with at least 8gb of RAM
According to this, campus-wide licenses are "already configured for cloud use".

1 month ago | 0


Is there a way to compute the n-th symbolic derivative of a function where n is also symbolic?
Is there a way to compute the n-th symbolic derivative of a function, where n is also a symbolic variable? The following does no...

1 month ago | 1 answer | 0



Given a taylor series of a function f, how do I get the original function f
syms x k f = symsum(x^k/factorial(k),k,0,Inf)

1 month ago | 0

How to obtain all permutations of multiple cell arrays?
Using this FEX download,

1 month ago | 0

How to obtain all permutations of multiple cell arrays?
This is better because the for loop is only 6 iterations long. A={'a1'; 'a2'; 'a3'}; B={'b1'; 'b2'}; C={'c1'; 'c2'; 'c3'; 'c4...

1 month ago | 0

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Vectors must be the same length
i = gradient(q(:, 1),t); % Current derivative U_R = R * i; % Resistor's voltage U_L = L * gradient(i,t); ...

1 month ago | 1

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affine3d used for pure rotation causes translational misalignment
I don't really understand how your posted images show that something is wrong. It shows that the image has changed after the war...

1 month ago | 0

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Non linear fit extremely bad : what am I doing wrong ?
There are ways to derive an accurate x0 more systematically, e.g., rng('default') t = 0:0.02:10; x = t.*sin(2*pi*1*t) + 0.1*ra...

1 month ago | 0

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How to avoid counting elements in each row of matrix multiple times?
Xedges=linspace(Xmin,Xmax, Nbin+1); Yedges=linspace(Ymin,Ymax, Nbin+1); N=0; for i=1:height(X) deltaN = histcounts...

1 month ago | 0

How to put different size vectors to one matrix or mat file?
To save to a .mat file save filename d1 d2 d3 d4 To retrieve them, packaged in a struct variable, S=load('filename'); To wri...

1 month ago | 1

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finding the value of a corresponding column in matrix
models = A(A(:,1)==40,2)

1 month ago | 0

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lsqcurvefit answer upon termination?
You can use a nested OutputFcn, like in this example,

1 month ago | 0

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