save Network and connect Network (nntool) with GUI
Hi, First, you need to save your network into MAT file. Then place it in the same folder with your GUI. In the pushbutt...

12 years ago | 1

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How do I make my graph as big as possible on the screen?
Just a little example with imshow scrsz = get(0,'screensize'); imshow('peppers.png'); set(gcf,'position',scrsz); Or may ...

12 years ago | 0

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Matrix conversion
I= [2 3 4; 5 6 7; 8 9 0]; [m n] = size(I); ShX = 2; ShY = 2; r = m*ShX; c = n*ShY; J = zer...

12 years ago | 0

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How to create a dynamic parent folder and than create another subfolder in the parent folder?
Hi, If I did not misunderstand, info_001 should contains data_001 info_002 should contains data_002 info_003 should contains...

12 years ago | 0

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Error in flipping
Hi, It seem you use flipud command for 3D matrix. Peppers.png was 3D uint8 matrix. '??? Error using ==> flipud at 19 X ...

12 years ago | 0

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classifying data files in a folder with neural network
Hi, This is the code that I created. If there is an error, please tell me. files = dir(fullfile(pwd,'*.txt')); fo...

12 years ago | 0

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HI to all.. this is about thresholding the image ..
Hi, I have small example for 4x4 matrix. I = round(10*rand(4,4)) J = zeros(size(I,1), size(I,2)); coeff = nume...

12 years ago | 0

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Normalizing data for neural networks
Hi, I've heard that the artificial neural network training data must be normalized before the training process. I have a c...

12 years ago | 1

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Hi, In callback of Load Push Button you should write like this : handles.output = hObject; [fn pn] = uigetfile('*.jpg...

12 years ago | 0

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figure title in a loop
names = fieldnames(Data); for i = 1 : length(names); subplot(length(names),1,i); %plot(Data....

12 years ago | 1

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How to draw a line across the centre of the barcode?
Hi, If my understanding of your question is not wrong. Irgb = imread('rhsr9t.jpg'); Icrop = imcrop(Irgb,[75 25 670 5...

12 years ago | 1

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to display multiple images on a single frame
Hi, It seem you tried to display multiple dicom files in a folder but you use wrong syntax. And please don't use imread to rea...

12 years ago | 0

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12 years ago | 0

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multiplying a matrix
A=[3 5 7; 5 6 0; 5 9 4]; for x = 1 : 3 B(x,:) = sum(A(x,:).^2); end B

12 years ago | 0

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Hi, First, you must know about actual size of your picture in cm. For example your picture has 1000 pixel of height x 600...

12 years ago | 1

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Centroid of polyarea
Hi, I modified your first code becomes : I = imread('peppers.png'); [r c o] = size(I); imshow(I); hold on; xy...

12 years ago | 1

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Problem in reading .shp file
Hi, Raymond You can perform that by adjusting the selector parameter. I'll give you sample code : shapedir = fullfile...

12 years ago | 1

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how can i apply rgb2gray to dicom image...
Please tell me the size of your dicom image by typing *size(I)* in command window.

12 years ago | 0

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how can i browse an image in gui
Hi, Usama Here I give you sample code with GUIDE. First, you need to create your GUI. Type 'guide' in command window, a...

12 years ago | 2

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How to read a certain part of data from a very complicated text file containing many empty lines
Hi, Pengfei Let say that I have a text file formated : X Y Z 0.2 0.3 0.4 ...

12 years ago | 0

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Defining function handles in MATLAB
Hi, Richard. To evaluate f(x) at different values of x, you can create an .m file and write this code: function y = f(x) y = ...

12 years ago | 6

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Matching two numbers using only 2 decimal points
A = 3.82; B = 3.829; C = 3.82; D = 3.8; Astr = num2str(A); Bstr = num2str(B); Astr = Astr(strfind(Astr...

12 years ago | 0

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Change button color and text after it is clicked
in the pushbutton callback write: set(handles.pushbutton1,'string','running','enable','off');

12 years ago | 3

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how can i browse an image in gui
[fn pn] = uigetfile('*.dcm','select dicom file'); complete = strcat(pn,fn); set(handles.edit1,'string',complete); I =...

12 years ago | 1

MATLAB Function Output problem?
function STK(U, D, n, delta_t) X = zeros(1,n); % Creating the vector of X X(1) = 1; % = X(0) = 1; r = randn(1,n)...

12 years ago | 1

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Displaying dicom images
Hello, Try to use *imshow(I,[])* or *montage(I, 'DisplayRange', []);*

12 years ago | 1

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How to load only one parameter from a .mat file which contains several parameter?
S = load('data_collection.mat', 'data1')

12 years ago | 1

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How to read multiples DICOM images
dicomlist = dir(fullfile(pwd,'Images','*.dcm')); for cnt = 1 : numel(dicomlist) I{cnt} = dicomread(fullfile(pwd,...

12 years ago | 4

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how to use waitbar
At line 40, add -> *h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');* At line 98, add -> *waitbar(p / F);* and original line 98 becomes line ...

12 years ago | 1

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detect square in image
Hello, Is your goal only to detect square in this picture? If so, you don't need to do shape recognition, etc. You jus...

12 years ago | 8

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