How to create an Object insertable in a 3D plot?
One approach could be to leverage the plotted object's XData, YData, and ZData, homogeneous coordinates, and the |makehgtform| f...

7 years ago | 0


Surface area
Calculate surface area and centroid of a surface or mesh.

7 years ago | 6 downloads |



Density altitude calculator
Finds altitude in the atmosphere as a function of air density.

7 years ago | 6 downloads |



Show Origin
Sets the limits of axes such that the origin is shown.

8 years ago | 1 download |



MCD - My change directory
Very quickly switch to a recent or preferred directory - all from the command line.

8 years ago | 1 download |



Simple propulsion performance estimation
Tools for simple estimation of aircraft propulsion performance.

8 years ago | 2 downloads |


Reaching the element of an array passed to a function
The first step needs to be to find the indices of the array that correspond to the conditional statement. You can use something ...

8 years ago | 0

| accepted


TXTMENU - Text-Based Menu for the Command Window
Like the built-in MENU function, but all in the command prompt so fingers never leave the keyboard.

8 years ago | 1 download |


How do i fit my data with two functions and a knot between them
The |tanh| function can be handy for creating a one-liner piece-wise function for feeding into a curve fitting tool. If you don'...

8 years ago | 0

| accepted


VGRID: utility to help vectorize code
VGRID helps vectorize code to handle n-d variables as inputs for e.g. trapz.

9 years ago | 1 download |


cch - close, clear, home
CCH saves keystrokes in resetting MATLAB by running the commands close, clear, and home.

9 years ago | 1 download |


DISPDISP - verbose display of structures and objects
Display more information about field and properties of struct or object.

9 years ago | 2 downloads |



Validated Input Function
Like the built-in input function but with the ability to impose constraints and checks on user input

9 years ago | 1 download |



fevaln: feval with control of the order of the outputs
Return the nth output first. Especially useful for defining anonymous functions for use with search.

9 years ago | 1 download |


Fuel fraction sizing
Finds aircraft gross weight using the fuel fraction sizing method

9 years ago | 5 downloads |



poll: would you like the regexp (?@cmd) functionality to be banned in Cody?
This problem is a poll (and a little bit of "white hat hacktivism" as well) regarding Cody users sentiment about the use of rege...

10 years ago


Circle area using pi
Given a circle's radius, compute the circle's area. Use the built-in mathematical constant pi.

10 years ago


pressure to dB?
given x ratio of pressure, find corresponding y dB

10 years ago


Return the Nth Output from an Input Command
*Description* Given _F_, a cell array whose first element is a function handle and subsequent elements are arguments, return ...

10 years ago


Create a row array using double colon operator
Create a row array from 9 to 1, using the double colon operator.

10 years ago


Pizza value using expression with parentheses
Pizza prices are typically listed by diameter, rather than the more relevant feature of area. Compute a pizza's value (cost per ...

10 years ago


Simple equation: Annual salary
Given an hourly wage, compute an annual salary by multiplying the wage times 40 and times 50, because salary = wage x 40 hours/w...

10 years ago


Triangle sequence
A sequence of triangles is constructed in the following way: 1) the first triangle is Pythagoras' 3-4-5 triangle 2) the s...

10 years ago


Find a Pythagorean triple
Given four different positive numbers, a, b, c and d, provided in increasing order: a < b < c < d, find if any three of them com...

10 years ago


Side of a rhombus
If a rhombus has diagonals of length x and x+1, then what is the length of its side, y? <<

10 years ago


Side of an equilateral triangle
If an equilateral triangle has area A, then what is the length of each of its sides, x? <<

10 years ago


Area of an equilateral triangle
Calculate the area of an equilateral triangle of side x. <<

10 years ago


Area of an Isoceles Triangle
An isosceles triangle has equal sides of length x and a base of length y. Find the area, A, of the triangle. <<http://upload...

10 years ago


Dimensions of a rectangle
The longer side of a rectangle is three times the length of the shorter side. If the length of the diagonal is x, find the width...

10 years ago


Is this triangle right-angled?
Given any three positive numbers a, b, c, return true if the triangle with sides a, b and c is right-angled. Otherwise, return f...

10 years ago

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