Answered How to import a .cs file to matlab ?
I'm not familiar with C# myself, but I know you can't bring it in through a MEX file. We do have a section in the doc on using ....
12 years ago | 0
Answered Problems using different types of Excel Formats
How are you reading the data in? The XLSREAD function will automatically convert anything it sees as a date into a number. Using...
12 years ago | 0
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Answered Limitation on poly and roots functions?
Note from the documentation: "For vectors, roots and poly are inverse functions of each other, up to ordering, scaling, and roun...
12 years ago | 1
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Answered How to connect the dots
You can use
to connect the dots. This draws a straight line from one to the next.
As Thom...
12 years ago | 0
Answered How to combine parfor & Parallel Optimization ?
You cannot directly nest a parfor loop inside of another as the MATLAB parser will catch it and throw an error before attempting...
12 years ago | 0
Answered Writing data to excel within a variable range
If all you're looking for is to not manually specify the range of the data you are writing, then you can do this fairly easily d...