fsk modulator and demodulator
Walter is right - when you add noise(3) to the signal you are not actually adding random noise, you're just adding some positive...

14 years ago | 1

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Inoperability between Mac (Intel) and Windows
'filt' is the name of a function in the Control System Toolbox: >> doc filt Perhaps the Mac does not have Control System...

14 years ago | 2

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Why do I get the errors "Missing operator, comma, or semicolon" and "eval(['dbstop in ' mfile ' at ' num2str(line_num)])"?
If you look at the submission's page on the File Exchange, the author says this: "Note for users who get stuck by the IMVIEW ...

14 years ago | 0

How to get the coefficients from FDA Tool block (Simulink) using Matlab Command?
If you right-click on the Digital Filter Design block (FDATool block) and 'Look Under Mask', you will see that the block contain...

14 years ago | 0

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Butterworth Notch Filters
For higher order filters (possibly starting as low as order 8), numerical problems due to roundoff errors may occur when forming...

14 years ago | 3

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Plot two graphs in one scope
You could use < Model Referencing> to include th...

14 years ago | 0

Getting undefined model variables
You could place something like this in the InitFcn callback of your model: if ~exist('a', 'var') % If 'a' is not initialize...

14 years ago | 0

Guitar SImulation
The Signal Processing Toolbox has a nice demo that shows how to use filters to create guitar chords. To bring up the GUI, type:...

14 years ago | 0

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High pass butterworth filter
You are converting the cutoff frequency to radians while leaving the Nyquist rate in Hz. Try this: fc=0.1;% cut off freq...

14 years ago | 0

What exactly is the 'Sample time' (Ts) and 'Samples per frame' variables in the Bernoulli bit generator?
If the output of the Bernoulli Binary Generator block is set to sample-based, then 'Ts' is the amount of time between consecutiv...

14 years ago | 2

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time interval between fft1 and fft2
When you say "time difference", do you mean the difference in execution time between the two routines? tic B=ampl_fft(A)...

14 years ago | 0

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Simulink Embedded MATLAB Function
When you call FSOLVE from Embedded MATLAB it is called as an extrinsic function, meaning the return type is an mxArray. To use ...

14 years ago | 0

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How to use 'set_param' command for Sample Time parameter in Bernoulli Binary Generator?
The correct parameter name is 'Ts'. You can view a list of the block's parameters like this: get_param([my_model '/Berno...

14 years ago | 0

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array assignment question
So you just want to flip the horizontal orientation of b before you insert it into the same location in a? a(topRow:topRow+...

14 years ago | 1

Problem with matrix manipulation
You can use the < SIZE> function to check how many rows are i...

14 years ago | 0

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fprintf function
Try opening your text file like this: object = fopen('file.txt', 'w'); This will specify that the file object is to be used ...

14 years ago | 0

Simulink time samples
Is there a reason that you couldn't use a fixed-step solver (with step size 0.001s) instead of a variable-step solver? That way...

14 years ago | 1

Halfband and FIR filter for decimation
First of all, REMEZ is an obsolete function for designing an equiripple FIR filter. You should use <

14 years ago | 0

Implementing QPSK modulation and Demodulation
The Bernoulli generator block is only going to generate a square wave with a value of 0 or 1. This explains why you are only se...

14 years ago | 0

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M-FSK Modulator Passband
The M-FSK Modulator Passband block hasn't been around since R14 - check out the <

14 years ago | 1

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Is there a way to abort Simulink simulation programatically if it takes a long time?
Walter is correct about using a timer object that is configured to fire at the end of the wait period. In the timer callback yo...

14 years ago | 2

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Help splitting a matrix based on a specified column.
Try this: B=A(A(:,3) == 0, :) C=A(A(:,3) ~= 0, :)

14 years ago | 5


How can I identify all the changes to the configuration set between two different versions of Simulink?
I would like to know what changes have been made to the configuration set in Simulink between the version I am on and the most r...

14 years ago | 1 answer | 1



Has the algorithm for fdesign changed in Signal Processing Toolbox 6.13 (R2010a) as compared to the previous versions?
This is expected behavior. The filter designed in R2007b does not match the passband specifications very well. In Signal Proce...

14 years ago | 0

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Has the algorithm for fdesign changed in Signal Processing Toolbox 6.13 (R2010a) as compared to the previous versions?
I am using fdesign.decimator to design an equiripple filter with given specifications. I have recently upgraded from R2007b to R...

14 years ago | 1 answer | 0

