Save matrix in matlab and call for operations
Two common approaches to storing a set of matrices are to store them in a cell array or, if the matrices are the same size, to s...

2 months ago | 0

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How do I plot a timeseries?
Use readtimetable to create a timetable from your data file. If you're having problems with this step, provide a sample of your...

2 months ago | 0

How to include dependency in standalone app?
The MATLAB and Simulink compiler support page indicates that some functionality in the Audio Toolbox is not supported including ...

2 months ago | 0

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Data Tips in parallelplot
The only way to add content to the datatip in parallelplot is to do so interactively by right-clicking the datatip in parallelpl...

2 months ago | 1

Dark Mode not working : R2023b Update 6 win64 on Windows 10 1903
After installing the update, you need to press the "Try the New Desktop" button at the top of the MATLAB desktop window.

2 months ago | 0

uigetfile - forces main gui to go behind other windows
This is a known issue. See similar threads

3 months ago | 0

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shade area between graphs
Another solution that may be helpful is the fillBetweenAreaCurve function offered by the MATLAB Charting team on the File Exchan...

3 months ago | 0

Fastest recursive search for files
Here's an Easter egg. I rarely answer non-MATLAB questions here but since I had to solve this today, I thought I'd share. Thi...

3 months ago | 0

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Odd behaviour when displaying fit results in UIAxes in App Designer (Matlab R2023b)
When plotting a cfit object using plot(ax,cfit) the x-values for the line are selected based on the axes limits. Every time you...

3 months ago | 1

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How to get a scatterhistogram in an UIAxes (e.g. Matlab App)?
Scatterhistogram creates a figure with 3 axes. You can expecify where those 3 axes should be using the optional parent argument:...

3 months ago | 1

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How to plot two figures side by side in a same plot?
tiledlayout and subplot do not work together. They each offer a means of adding multiple axes to a figure. Tiledlayout is the ...

3 months ago | 1

How to update rfplots
I'm not quite sure how to interpret the problem. Here are two guesses. > if the plots are to be updated, they will be added ...

3 months ago | 0

Strings are converted to cells during readtable
When using the readtable(filename,opts,Name,Value) syntax, only a limited number of name-values pairs are available as input ar...

4 months ago | 1

Show image when i use dropdown button
You need to specify the axes handle so the image is generated in the intended axes. For example, image(app.UIAxes,__) images...

4 months ago | 1

How to plot biggest positive and negative difference as a lines?
I believe the task is to create two lines, one that connects the biggest increase and one the connects the biggest decrease betw...

4 months ago | 0

Zero Padding a Table
Starting in MATLAB R2023b, you can use paddata to pad tables. LastName = {'Sanchez';'Johnson';'Li';'Diaz';'Brown'}; Age = [3...

4 months ago | 0

How can I create randomly scattered points between two circles?
Your solution is fine. a = 4; b = 10; N = 1000; r = a + (b-a) * rand(N,1); th = 2*pi * rand(N,1); x = r.*cos(th); y =...

4 months ago | 3

How can I stack two bars next to each other on top of a single bar in a bar graph?
Is this what you're looking for? I don't know what "distance V1" is. The only change I made was to add "stacked" to this lin...

4 months ago | 0

How to generate a surface from xyz coordinates of triangular mesh nodes
> how can I generate a clean image like the one in the second figure? This solution creates a model container based on the con...

4 months ago | 1

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why can't I reproduce my random numbers
Section 1 of my answer explains how to update the code in your question to get the expected behavior. Section 2 suggests a diff...

4 months ago | 1

Kombinieren von diskreten und kontinuierlichen Werten in einer heatmap
I don't see any continuous color gradients in the pdf attached to the question (screenshot below). There's a colorbar showing a ...

4 months ago | 0

Buoy move with ocean wave
> The problem is I couldn't add the sine wave in the figure Add hold on after the first loop so that when you add the sine wave...

4 months ago | 0

Issue in line plot while saving in vector graphics
I recommend using exportgraphics. The results below were produced in R2023b. open para_sub_2D.fig exportgraphics(gcf,'mypic....

4 months ago | 1

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Equally spaced figures in tiledlayout environment
How could I make the figures truly equally spaced? Using tiledlayout, the axes are equally spaced but the colorbar, axis labels...

5 months ago | 1

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Contourf lines showing up on PDF
I tested this in R2023a (and 23b) with the following workflow and could not reproduce the result reported in the question. [X ...

5 months ago | 0

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How to color each group of a bar plot into a different color
h=bar(x,'grouped') where x is an n by m matrix, will create a bar chart with n groups that each have m bars. h will be a 1xm mat...

5 months ago | 1

Appdesigner color scheme not working
Please contact tech support and include your release info and instructions on how you changed the color scheme. Feel free to in...

5 months ago | 0

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Using fprintf for complex numbers
Another alternative is to use num2str which supports conversion of complex numbers to strings. a = -2*sqrt(-3)+5/3 num2str(a) ...

5 months ago | 1

Changing the color of a second colorbar
It looks like you want to set the color limits (clim) rather than the colorbar limits (cb.Limits). Replace these two lines cb2...

5 months ago | 0

Is it possible to disable/change the default selection logic of CheckBoxTree?
As @Mario Malic mentioned, it's not possible to replace that logic. I'm curious what your use case is as to why the value of th...

6 months ago | 0

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