3차원상의 구 그리기.
Hi, I understand that you are facing an issue while drawing a sphere in 3D. To draw a sphere, you should use the “ezsurf” func...

2 years ago | 0

Is it possible to do web scraping with MatLab?
Hi Luis, Yes, MATLAB provides the functionality to connect to a website and extract data from it. This can be done using “websa...

2 years ago | 0

How to generate a series of output from a function block ?
Hi Vivek, Yes, it is possible to generate multiple outputs from a function block in Simulink from a single input with the foll...

2 years ago | 0

Change the transparency/alpha of data brushing
Hi Scott, To change the transparency of a brushed scatter plot, kindly refer to the following example. x = rand(100,1); y = r...

2 years ago | 0

How to set transparency of stem plot (alpha) - is it even possible?
Hi Jack, Kindly refer to the following example in which I am Adding the transparency by setting the "FaceAlpha" property to a ...

2 years ago | 0

iam not able to open signal builder block in this version,how can i get the block?
Hi, I understand that you are trying to find the Signal Builder block in MATLAB R2023a version. The Signal Builder block is no...

2 years ago | 0

diffbfweights coefficients usage for audio processing
Hi Marko, I understand that you are trying to use coefficients from "diffbfweights" function to process audio data. Once you h...

2 years ago | 0

Error in my code
Hi Shin, I understand that you are facing an issue while using "=" operator. The "Parse error: Incorrect use of '=' operator, a...

2 years ago | 0

Stochastic nature in Simulink model
Hi Dusan, To model a stochastic source on a 300 second time horizon with one second resolution in Simulink, Use "Gaussian Rando...

2 years ago | 0

name of the block
Hi Bassam, I understand that you are trying to find the name of the block that you have provided in the image. The block tha...

2 years ago | 0

how to fetch data from excel and store it in another excel file
Hi Aiman, I understand that you are trying to fetch the data from an excel file and then store it into another excel file. To ...

2 years ago | 0

Can someone explain to me how can i import a vector from matlab to simulink using the in1 block?
Hi Jorge, I understand that you are trying to export a vector from MATLAB to Simulink and then separate the values of the ...

2 years ago | 0

Question about aligning x-axes in subplots on the same row in Matlab
Hi Hung, I understand that you are trying to create a plot consisting of 4 subplots arranged in a 2 by 2 grid and align the x-a...

2 years ago | 0

Error message concerning path
Hi Reuben, I understand that you are facing an issue while trying to loop over several folders using a path. The error message...

2 years ago | 0

How to make a column matrix from multi-dimensional matrix with several rows
Hi Okoth, I understand that you are trying to convert a multi-dimensional matrix into a column matrix by transposing e...

2 years ago | 1

| accepted

Why set(H, 'Bold', 'True') does not bold any text of MS word whereas the property set(H,'ColorIndex', 'wdgreen') does color the text
Hi Jonayet, I understand that you are facing an issue while trying to set the axis label to “bold”. You should use the follo...

2 years ago | 0

| accepted

help me to explain this function of signal addition
Hi Hasaan, I understand that you are seeking an explanation of the user defined function “sigadd” that you have provided. ...

2 years ago | 0

mis match matrix dimension
Hi, I understand that you are trying to assign matrix "b" to matrix "a" where the order of matrices are not the same. You can...

2 years ago | 0

function min() using loop or nested loop
Hi Juan, I understand that you are trying to implement "min()" using loop or nested loop and facing an issue while running th...

2 years ago | 0

Point lies out data grid (in getHyperCube) error
Hi Yunus, I understand that you are trying to run a simulation that included an interpreted MATLAB function and found a...

2 years ago | 0

| accepted

Sudden error when exporting with 'writecell' in MATLAB
Hi CreCre, I understand that you are trying to export a cell array to an Excel file using "writecell" and have experienced a s...

2 years ago | 0

someone help me an example how to generate a toeplitz matrix for n matrices.
Hi Miguel, I understand that you are trying to generate 'n' toeplitz matrices. So, in order to generate a Toeplitz matrix, you ...

2 years ago | 0