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How can I plot in complex plane ?
Hi, You can create a grid of complex number using “meshgrid” for both the real and imaginary parts. Then compute the modulus sq...
17 hours ago | 0
Input a set of values in a form of table
Hi, To create a program that allows users to input values for X and Y in a table format, you can utilize the “uifigure” and “ui...
18 hours ago | 0
boxplot with different array size
Hi, You can create boxplots for different columns with varying sizes on the x-axis by using the “boxplot” function. To adjust t...
18 hours ago | 0
Plot with lagging
Hi, To create a video from a series of data points with a specific time lag between each point in MATLAB, you can follow these ...
18 hours ago | 0
how to calculate the area of the black color and the white color
Hi, To calculate the area of black circles, ensure that the image is in binary format, i.e., the circles are black (0) and the ...
1 month ago | 0
about the color of pixel
Hi, To count the number of yellow, red, and black pixels in an image using MATLAB, you can convert the image to the HSV colour ...
1 month ago | 0
Why RGB image should convert into grayscale in image processing?
Hi, Converting images to grayscale is a common practice in image processing, but it's not mandatory. It simplifies the data by ...
1 month ago | 0
To plot lines between points
Hi, To plot two lines between the points ((a, b)), ((c, d)), and ((e, f)) in MATLAB, you can use the “plot” function. Refer to ...
1 month ago | 0
Represent a variable with probability in Matlab
Hi, To represent the noise “n”, given that it occurs with a probability of 4%, you can use a combination of random number gener...
1 month ago | 0
plot and figure windows
Hi, To indicate specific points in the figure window which display an image, you can first use “hold on” which will allow you t...
1 month ago | 0
how to use histogram values in svm classifier
Hi, Once you have computed the histogram features, you can make use of the “fitcsvm” function to pass the histogram features i...
1 month ago | 0
How to test & train image using random forest classifier
Hi, Testing and training images using a Random Forest classifier involves preparing your dataset, extracting features from ima...
1 month ago | 0
Generating Random text file of size x bits
Hi, To generate a random text file of a specified size in bits, you first need to convert the size from bits to bytes, as file...
1 month ago | 0
how to sample some random patches of an image?
Hi, You can follow bellow steps to sample random patches from the image: Load image in MATLAB. Specify the size of the patch...
2 months ago | 0
How to fill in missing data?
Hi, One way to replace missing values currently represented as 0 is to use interpolation. Start by identifying the indices of t...
2 months ago | 0
how can i generate a sine wave in simulink if angle is changing?
Hi, To create a sinusoidal signal in Simulink, you can utilize the "Sine Wave" block. Since the angle varies in your scenario,...
2 months ago | 0
Number of detected points
Hi, To determine the number of detected feature points using the FAST algorithm, you can utilize the "detectFASTFeatures" funct...
2 months ago | 0
imagesc color map for gridded value
Hi, To plot the Z variable as a colour scale using "imagesc" in MATLAB, you need to ensure that Z is in a matrix form that corr...
5 months ago | 0
matlab code to find mean, median and standard deviation of a series of data in discrete time wavelet
Hi, To find the mean, median, and standard deviation of a series of data, you can make use of inbuilt functions "mean", "median...
5 months ago | 0
Hi, To convert the data into the required format, you can make use of the "Format" property of the "datetime" object and set it...
5 months ago | 0
Plotting the Bar chart in Matlab
Hi, The data in your matrix is being plotted in columns rather than rows. To achieve the desired grouping, you should transpose...
5 months ago | 0
How to perform stack operation of 4 shares in color images
Hi, You can stack your four shares together. Take care that all four shares are of the same size. You can resize them if they a...
5 months ago | 0
change between two values with time dependent
Hi, To plot the sawtooth-like signal as per the parameters you have defined, you need to create a time vector to simulate the w...
5 months ago | 0
Find height value from the same horizontal position data
Hi, To extract the z values from one array (A) based on the matching x-y values provided in another array (B), you can iterate ...
5 months ago | 0
How to compute Z-transform with Matlab?
Hi, To compute the Z-transform of the given equation, you can follow the below steps: Define the symbolic variables. Define ...
5 months ago | 0
how do you change the color of a region of an image?
Hi, To work on a certain region of an image, you need to define the coordinates and size of the region you want to modify. Assu...
5 months ago | 0
How to use Matlabs in Forex?
Hi, You can make use of the Financial Toolbox. With this, you can work on technical indicators to find moving averages, momentu...
5 months ago | 0
Impulse response from poles and zeros
Hi, To find the impulse response "h(n)" from the given pole-zero locations, create the system function "H(z)" and then compute ...
5 months ago | 0
Could anyone help me how to find the correlation between the time series data
Hi, You can make use of the "corr" function to get a linear correlation coefficient between the data. You can extract the time ...
5 months ago | 0
Help me to draw a pie chart with separate pieces
Hi, You can pass an array to the "pie" function, where each element corresponds to the pie chart pieces. A value of 1 would mea...
5 months ago | 0