Can I use 'table' as a variable type in a table
InnerTable = table('Size',[1 2],'VariableTypes',{'double', 'double'}); InnerTable{2,1} = 14.34; InnerTable{3,2} = 45 Table = ...

18 days ago | 0

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Change background color of patternCustom figure.
helixdata = randn(1000,3); h = patternCustom(helixdata(:,3),helixdata(:,2),helixdata(:,1)) fig = ancestor(h,'figure'); fig.Co...

18 days ago | 0

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Programmatically setting a radio button from within App Designer
You need to refer to the radio button object itself, e.g., using its name in the app structure: app.TelescopeTypeButtonGroup.Se...

18 days ago | 0

Something is wrong with the code. It must display a chaotic graph.
Here's a guess. The only change is putting ".*h" in a few places where it seemed likely to be missing. clc; clear; close all; ...

19 days ago | 0

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How can I find or add the Haadi Saadat package to MATLAB? I'm using the R2017a version.

19 days ago | 0

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App Designer initial value for UserData for Slider
You can initialize the slider's UserData in the app's StartupFcn.

19 days ago | 0

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ERROR while calculating Euclidean distances to multiple tables in cell array
C_all_steps_no_break_cleaned = load('C_all_steps_no_break_cleaned.mat').C_all_steps_no_break_cleaned The important point unders...

24 days ago | 1

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Assigning Columns to a table without using loops - and perform i.e. diff on a column
A struct array similar to your variable events: tmp = num2cell([2025 2 14 15 22 54.8366; 2025 2 14 15 22 55.0519; 2025 2 14 15 ...

29 days ago | 0

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Display Glitch: Overlay of plots don't display requested LineStyle
Looks like the problem is that yyaxis() changes certain axes properties, including ColorOrder and LineStyleOrder: figure() ax ...

1 month ago | 0

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How to plot a line graph calling specific depths from a table.
T = table( ... datetime(["28-Jan-2025";"29-Jan-2025";"30-Jan-2025";"30-Jan-2025";"30-Jan-2025";"31-Jan-2025";"31-Jan-2025";...

1 month ago | 0

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Sort array based on particular rows
out = load('matlab.mat').out C = mat2cell(out,[6 5 6 5 6 5]); C = cellfun(@(x)sortrows(x,1,'descend'),C,'UniformOutput',false)...

1 month ago | 0

Find least binary palindrome greater than a natural number
Based on / inspired by @Walter Roberson's answer. function out = get_next_binary_palindrome(d) d_input = isnumeric(d); if...

1 month ago | 1

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Why are these zeros adding themselves to the array?
k goes 1,2,4,6,10 n = [1,2,4,6,10]; for k = n fprintf('k = %d\n',k); end so inside your loop, e.g., ex1(k) = t; sets ex...

1 month ago | 0

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send image to background to visible axes
axes and uiaxes objects always appear behind other UI components including uiimages, so there is no way to move the uiimage behi...

1 month ago | 0

Script Converting txt to CSV
str = readlines('test.txt') str(1) = []; C = regexp(str,'[WCABR]','split'); out = vertcat(C{:}); writematrix(out,'test.csv...

1 month ago | 0

how to save an app.uiaxes as .png with axis off and without title ?
filename = 'output.png'; ax = app.UIAxes; ax_vis = strcmp(ax.Visible,'on'); if ax_vis ax.Visible = 'off'; end ...

1 month ago | 1

How to make a table for a struct that contains elements with more than one number?
X = struct('a',1,'b',22,'c',1:3); FileName = "SoMe/fIlE\NaMe"; thetable = struct2table(X, 'RowNames', FileName); fig = ...

1 month ago | 0

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How to get back view of an object?
[x,y,z] = sphere(40); surf(x,y,z) axis equal xlabel('x') ylabel('y') zlabel('z') view([7 67]) ax = copyobj(gca(),figure...

1 month ago | 0

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How to write a table in a textarea on a Matlab App?
An easy way to display a table in a text area is to use formattedDisplayText. Example: % a table with numbers and text: T = a...

1 month ago | 0

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I have a big string of code. There is a variable at the top that affects many different calculations, which I want to increment in a 1 in a loop for a desired value.
Your code could have some structure like this: % presuming these don't depend on the value of dda, they can be % calculated o...

1 month ago | 0

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The while loops works when X/Y is defined in the while loop, but won't run when X/Y is defined in the code above it. I need a while loop that works using the code above it.
In the first while loop, X/Y is calculated and compared to P on each iteration. No problem. In the second while loop, bob is co...

1 month ago | 0

Help with findgroups/splitapply, and general deep learning help.
FCTable = load('FCTable.mat').FCTable T = FCTable; T.tradeDate_shift = dateshift(T.tradeDate,'start','day'); T.EFA_catego...

1 month ago | 0

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What is the correct syntax to assign simulated data to my variables?
This may be a useful reference: G_var_list = {'log_y','C','pi_ann','B_nominal','B','sp','i_ann','r_real_ann','P'}; irfs_var_li...

1 month ago | 1

I have an equation. I want to adjust one of the values in the equation until it hits a certain output. How do I run a loop to increment that certain value until it does this?
X=21; Y=4; P=3; while X/Y > P Y = Y+1; end % this Y % is the first value of Y such that X/Y <= P X/Y <= P % (t...

1 month ago | 0

simulating rolling 1 and 2 dice
% define a function that creates the plots for a given set of results % (roll) and corresponding number of dice (n_dice) and nu...

2 months ago | 0

defining upper and lower limits of a matrix
Load and visualize data etan = load('viscosity_test.mat').etan; % check the min and max value of etan [etan_min,etan_max] =...

2 months ago | 1

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Why is trailing back space removed from my folder name?
I don't know why the trailing backslash is missing from app.OutLoc. Maybe app.defOutLoc is not the same as defOutLoc. Anyway, y...

2 months ago | 0

files = {'U02B.HHZf';'U04B.HHZf';'U05B.HHZf';'U06B.HHZf'}; keep = true(size(files)); dirs = {'some\directory'}; i = 1; tmp...

2 months ago | 0

Reshape EEG data to wide format with new aggregate column names
% a table ID = ["01-02";"01-02";"01-02";"01-02";"01-02";"01-02";"01-02";"01-12";"01-12";"01-12";"01-12";"01-12";"01-12"]; Elec...

2 months ago | 2

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Legend for tiled donut charts
Here's something that may help. n = 3; data = rand(10,n); f = figure(); tl = tiledlayout(2,n); d = gobjects(n,1); for ii...

2 months ago | 1

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