Optimizing the 'drawnow' function for an oscillating circle
throw a pause(0.02) in the while loop after the drawnow

12 years ago | 0

how to extend line of image
if... x1=1,x2=2 and... y1=1,y2=5 (2,5)-(1,1)=m=(1,4), is your slope so m1=1,m2=4 try plot([x1 x2]+1e6*[-m1 m1],...

12 years ago | 0

Concatenate arrays
it makes it '3d'

12 years ago | 0

| accepted

Detecting shapes-lsm format?
try looking at hist(i,100) and picking out a threshold manually. somewhere to the right of the big background spike on the left....

12 years ago | 0

so I'm making a videogame
y=get(h,'ydata'); x=get(h,'xdata'); hy = hypot(ye-y,xe-x)<8; set(e(hy),'visib...

12 years ago | 0


so I'm making a videogame
I have a vector of enemy handles so that I can assign visibility to certain enemies and not others, but once I update all of the...

12 years ago | 3 answers | 0



Need help creating a matrix that updates based on input to a GUI
what if you did this: matrix = [matrix; (button input)]; so m = [1 2 3] would go to m = [1 2 3; 4 5 6] with [4 5 6...

12 years ago | 1

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line of sight
is there a nice way to get the line of sight from one pixel to the remaining pixels in an image? like if I had a binary image of...

12 years ago | 1 answer | 0



Making some intensity values of image to zero
if your image is 'a', try a(a>threshold)=0; or try max(a,threshold); which makes the values equal to your thre...

12 years ago | 1

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what is subpixel
sometimes for tracking purposes, an object will be smaller than the pixel size of the image, but it will still affect the intens...

12 years ago | 0

how to improve PSNR of an compressed image?
so, you lose psnr after compression? mmmm, i don't know about this topic but can you try doing a fft before the compression and ...

12 years ago | 0

Random Number Generator, lower numbers have higher chance
just create the distribution n=1:20; dist = []; for t=1:20 dist = [dist, n(t) * ones(1, round( 20/n(t) ...

12 years ago | 0


specifying the handle as you plot
if I try to plot the following: plot(0.5,0.5) Is there any way to specify what handle the object will have while using ...

12 years ago | 2 answers | 0



watershed I have an image with contours but this ALgorithme don't output a good result, if someone has a good solution please , i need your help
watershed hates noise, so you might want to smooth the image first if that's the problem

12 years ago | 0

removing unwanted pixels
load the image and make it so black==0 and white==1, then... Words = imclearborder(~IMG) if you want to crop it, you ca...

12 years ago | 0

how write a matlab code for adaptive thersholding
that depends on a lot of things, but you could try using im2col to analyze your image in discrete blocks and apply whatever func...

12 years ago | 0

Plotting my own data in a matlab figure.
I'm kind of confused here. you have a 3d plot with 2-d data? can you just set the third vector as zeros and use hold to plot it ...

12 years ago | 0

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Image processing
yeah, use Euler's method and just subtract one from another and search the zeros or, as the guy above said, add a tolerance leve...

12 years ago | 0

adaptive filtering by using uncorrelativity feature
you can get the signal mean to zero by subtracting the original mean. then divide by the variance, to make the variance effectiv...

12 years ago | 0

watermarking medical image 3d
Do you mean the image is several 2-d slices or the actual composite into voxels? either way, I imagine you'd have to alter the i...

13 years ago | 0

How can I select lines in a subplot and delete them?
when you use gca for h2 it will only look in the last axes that was called. you can try recalling the subplot you want, then doi...

13 years ago | 0

functions vs. script
I find it easier to write separate functions and then just call them as needed with some big script or function instead of copy ...

13 years ago | 1

Processing time - seems to get stuck after drawing graphs
that used to happen to me when running scripts, so I switched to only using functions to get graphs and it went away. why? I don...

13 years ago | 0

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3D plot making smooth
you can maybe use a cubic polynomial spline to fit your curve and then upsample it to get more points, then plot those. I don't ...

13 years ago | 0

matlab code for image denoising
There are a few different types of noise that may be present in an image. Different techniques can handle each type of noise bet...

13 years ago | 0

convex hull perimeter
The easiest way to discriminate between shapes is the circularity (perimeter^2/area) and eccentricity (major axis/minor axis). I...

13 years ago | 0


transfer space equivalent of the hausdorff distance
Hi, I'm new here. I've been learning MATLAB on my own for a while, but as things get more complicated, my work has been slowing ...

13 years ago | 0 answers | 0

