
Create a Multiplication table matrix...
Create a product table in this format: P = [ 1 2 3 4 5; 2 4 6 8 10; 3 6 9 12 15; 4 8 12 1...

11 years ago


find root mean square of a signal x in less time than the test code and accurate to six places.

11 years ago


random picture with random colours
write a function which creates a random(x,y) matrix with random RGB colours for example create_pic(5,5) gives us a 3d matrix. ...

11 years ago


Function composition
Write a function that accepts two function handles f and g and returns the composition h. That is, h = (f o g)(x) = f(g(x)) ...

11 years ago


Rotate input square matrix 90 degrees CCW without rot90
Rotate input matrix (which will be square) 90 degrees counter-clockwise without using rot90,flipud,fliplr, or flipdim (or eval)....

11 years ago


remove nans fast
There are several ways to locate and remove nans in a matrix, and return an 1d row vector. In this problem the challenge is ...

11 years ago


Generate this matrix
Generate the following matrix. n = 2; out = [-4 -3 -2 -1 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 -...

11 years ago


subsequences of the same numbers
Finding the largest consecutive subsequences of the same numbers (the return value is itself subsequence). For example: 1....

11 years ago


Split a given string from the first instance of a given character
A simple operation to split a given string into two substrings at the point where the desired character is first found. e.g. ...

11 years ago


Sum Rows
Sum the same indexed (unique) rows. Examine the test suite. Related Challenge - <

11 years ago


Remove NaNs and numbers adjacent to NaNs
The aim is to remove the elements before and after NaN occurrences inside a vector. For example: x = [6 10 5 8 9 NaN 23 1...

11 years ago


Swap two numbers
Example Input: a = 10 b = 20 Output a = 20 b = 10

11 years ago


Calculate the area of a triangle between three points
Calculate the area of a triangle between three points: P1(X1,Y1) P2(X2,Y2) P3(X3,Y3) these three points are the vert...

11 years ago


Given a matrix, return the last eigen value
Given a matrix, return the first eigen value For example: x = magic(5) 17 24 1 8 15 23 5 7 14 ...

11 years ago


Largest Twin Primes
< Twin primes> are primes p1, p2 = p1 + 2 such that both p1 and p2 are prime numbers. Giv...

11 years ago


Divisors of an integer
Given a number N, return a vector V of all integers that divide N. For example, N = 10 Then V=[1 2 5 10]

11 years ago


Convert from Base 10 to base 5
Convert the input number from base 10 into base 5: for example: if a(in base 10)= 5 then a(in base 5)= 10

11 years ago


Set defaults
Write a function that computes the volume of a cube. The function should be able to accept three inputs: the length, width, and...

11 years ago


Volume and area of a sphere
Input(r) - radius Output([v,s]) - volume and area

11 years ago


N-Cards Problem
You have a deck of _N_ cards numbered in order from 1 to _N_. You discard the top card (card 1) and place the next card (card 2)...

11 years ago


DC chopper
Input x is the sampled signal vector, may have both AC and DC components. output vector y should have AC components removed then...

11 years ago


Make an awesome ramp for a tiny motorcycle stuntman
Okay, given a vector, say v=[1 3 6 9 11], turn it into a matrix 'ramp' like so: m=[1 3 6 9 11; 3 6 9 11 0; 6 9 ...

11 years ago


High school cafeteria
Given an input vector of positive integers, return a row vector with the primes first (in increasing order) and the composites n...

11 years ago


The Tower of Hanoi
In the < Tower of Hanoi problem> with 3 rods (1, 2 & 3), the goal is to move a tower ...

11 years ago


Return the 'Size' of a String of Code
One of the most 'mysterious' parts of playing Cody is the sizing system. Given a string of commands, return the size that Cody w...

11 years ago


Hackathon: the beginnings
I am thinking of a number between 1 and 10000... can you guess what this number is? *Description* The test suite has rando...

11 years ago


Multielement indexing of a row array
The row array birthRateChina stores the China birth rate (per 1000 people) for years 2000 to 2012. Write a statement that create...

11 years ago


Triangle Numbers Below N
This is an offshoot of < Cody Problem 5: Triangle Numbers...

11 years ago


Number of Circles in a Number
Given a number, return the number of closed 'circles' in the base 10 numerical representation. Note: the number 4 has no circ...

11 years ago


Least common multiple of many numbers
1:6 -> 60

11 years ago

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