
Write a MATLAB function called factorial_calc(n) that takes a positive integer n as input and calculates the factorial of n. The...

1 year ago


Find the mean of the magic x
Given a x term, find the magic x, then find the mean/average of any one row or column.

1 year ago


Find circular arc length, sector area and segment area
Given a circular arc passing through the points P = [ x1 y1 ] and Q = [ x2 y2 ] such that the center angle of the arc (in degree...

1 year ago


Find The area of the square
Given that the length of the side of a square is x, find the area.

1 year ago


Given the mass and stiffness of an undamped SDOF system, find the natural frequency and the natural period of vibration
Problem Statement Given the mass and stiffness of an undamped SDOF system, find the system's natural frequency in both Hz and...

1 year ago


Find a number m such that 2m and the square of m have the same digit sum
The number has the property that and have the same digit sum. It is the seventh number, including zero, in the sequence of nu...

1 year ago


Given a string s, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.
Given a string s, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. Example 1: Input: s = "abcabcbb" O...

1 year ago


Sequence Vectorization - II
This is the second part to the question - Sequence Vectorization - I Given an array of Natural numbers, N, return the sequence ...

1 year ago


Sequence Vectorization - I
Given a Natural number N, return the sequence - [1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 ... 1 2 3 ... N-3 N-2 N-1 N] i.e. the horizontal concatenat...

1 year ago


Sequence problem
find the nth term of the sequence: 790 1303 2033 ____ 4366 6095

1 year ago


Knight Moves?
One of my favorite games are chess. Let’s do something with chess. If you don’t know chess, that’s completely fine. You can stil...

1 year ago


Repeatitive Summation
Given numeric vectors x, a and b, perform the following operation - a represents a vector of numbers and b represents a vector ...

1 year ago


linear least squares fitting
Inputs: * |f|: cell-array of function handles * |x|: column vector of |x| values * |y|: column vector of |y| values, same l...

1 year ago


Outer product of multiple vectors
In tensor algebra, it is often useful to define a tensor as a product of lower order tensors. Similarly, a multidimensional arra...

1 year ago


Find Logic 29

1 year ago


Compute the missing quantity among P, V, T for an ideal gas
Consider 100 mol of helium gas at a certain pressure (P), volume (V), and temperature (T). Assuming that the ideal gas law appli...

1 year ago


Split bread like the Pharaohs - Egyptian fractions and greedy algorithm
How would you split 5 loaves of bread among 8 people in all fairness? Get a hint from the Pharaohs. 5/8 = 4/8 + 1/8 , i.e. each ...

1 year ago


Find MPG of Lightest Cars
The file cars.mat contains a table named cars with variables Model, MPG, Horsepower, Weight, and Acceleration for several classi...

1 year ago


Return fibonacci sequence do not use loop and condition version 2
Calculate the nth Fibonacci number,return sequence Given n, return f where f = fib(n) and f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 2, ... ...

2 years ago


Golomb's self-describing sequence (based on Euler 341)
The Golomb's self-describing sequence {G(n)} is the only nondecreasing sequence of natural numbers such that n appears exactly G...

2 years ago


Beauty of Parentheses
Given a string consisting of closed parentheses, form a string array in the following way so that the orders of these parenthese...

2 years ago


Return a list sorted by number of consecutive occurrences
Inspired by Problem 38 by Cody Team. Given a vector x, return a vector y of the values in x sorted by the number of CONSECUTIVE ...

2 years ago


Laws of motion 4
Given the initial velocity 'u', final velocity 'v' and acceleration 'a', find the distance travelled.

2 years ago


Coefficient of Sliding Friction
A weight of W1 N rests on a horizontal plane. The plane is gradually inclined until at an angle θ = Ao with the horizontal, the ...

2 years ago


Laws of motion 3

2 years ago


Calculate BMI
Given weight in kgs and height in metres, calculate body mass index

2 years ago


Who is using Cody?
Return your 'username' as char vector. Hint: no personal info are revealed, just use basic commands (not only Matlab).

2 years ago


Find gradient of a numeric data which has same size as the existing vector.
**** Refer matlab documentation about finding gradient **** Convert the entire gradient vector to least integer form. (Probably...

2 years ago


Identify de Polignac numbers
The numbers 125 and 329 can be written as the sum of a prime and a power of 2. For example, , and . The numbers 127 and 331, whi...

2 years ago

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