
Find the longest match inside two strings
Given two strings, find the longest string which is contained within both strings. e.g. the longest string that is contained ...

12 months ago


Broken numlock key, oppps !
The numlock key on my computer is pressed and is now broken, so I cant press it to switch off the numlock mode. And hence I am n...

12 months ago


* Suppose there is a vector v like [1 0 0 -1], representing polynomial coefficients. * In this example, the polynimial is 1*x^3...

12 months ago


Determining if a Degree Sequence is Potentially a Graph
A degree sequence is a list of numbers representing the degrees of vertices in a graph. While it is difficult to tell if a graph...

12 months ago


Alternate Arrangement
Determine the ways of arranging 'm' men and 'w' women alternatively in a row of 's' seats. Assumptions : s<m and s<w

12 months ago


polar inertia
given locations of a set of unit masses on complex plane, find polar moment of inerta about the origin. for example output 4 if ...

12 months ago


How many revolutions around the earth
Calculate how many revolutions you will around the earth till 1/1/2100. Given the birhdate find your age in number of days on 1...

12 months ago


Build the Well
Calculate the total time taken for building 'n' wells given : Worker A takes a hr to build the well alone Worker B takes b hr...

12 months ago


Magnitude with vargin
Magnitude with an undefined amount of arguments

12 months ago


Matrix symmetry
Given a matrix A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6] Flip it horizontally and vertically to obtain a complete reversal of both rows and columns. ...

12 months ago


Guess the Coefficients!
Given a polynomial p known to have positive integer coefficients, deduce the values of the coefficients. For example: p = ...

12 months ago


Is it the answer to life the universe and everything?
The answer to life the universe and everything is 42, but this is naturally in base 13. Unfortunately, MATLAB is in base 10, so ...

12 months ago


Bag of apples
find probabilty of getting red apples from a bag of 'r' red and 'g' green apples.

12 months ago


Find sum of alternate numbers in a vector
Find sum of alternate numbers in a vector starting from index 1

12 months ago


Find cross product of 2 vectors
Find cross product of 2 vectors

12 months ago


Find duplicate number from a vector of size n + 1 containing numbers from 1:n
From a given vector of size n + 1, return the duplicate number. Constraints The vector can only contain numbers from 1 to ...

12 months ago


Multiply by 5
Given an input x (scalar), multiply it by 5.

12 months ago


Compute the dilation of a binary image
A basic operation in image analysis is the dilation. Given an image where each pixel is either on or off (black/white, true/fals...

12 months ago


Esoteric Trigonometry
From Wikipedia: "All of the trigonometric functions of an angle θ can be constructed geometrically in terms of a unit circle cen...

12 months ago


LASER Tracker - Mirror Distance and Angle
Determine the mirror's distance and relative angle to the LASER Tracker given the distances to a reference SMR (Spherical Mounte...

12 months ago


Find a subset that divides the vector into equal halves
Given a vector x, return the indices to elements that will sum to exactly half of the sum of all elements. Example: Inpu...

12 months ago


Solitaire Cipher
Implement the < solitaire cipher>. Since this is from Wikipedia, I am capturin...

12 months ago


Easy Function
Use this function to earn some points (hit submit): function y = your_fcn_name(x) y = x^2 + 10; end

12 months ago


"Power matrix" of two vectors
Given two row vectors x,y of lengths m and n (respectively), create an m x n matrix whose i,j entry is x(i)^y(j).

12 months ago


Use this function for some points (free) function y = your_fcn_name(x) y = x^2 + 2; end

12 months ago


Summing Rows and Columns
Create a matrix y of size (n+1) whose last column's elements are the summation of the elements of all the other columns and last...

12 months ago


Does this dress make me look fat
For the input string "Does xyz make me look fat" output the string "No, xyz does not make you look fat"

12 months ago


Sum of two number using (regexp, varargin) comand?
Sum two number a &b and get there result in c using the rexp and varargin comand.

12 months ago


Hit submit for some points! function y = your_fcn_name(x) y = x^2 - 4; end

12 months ago


Use this function to earn a few points. function y = your_fcn_name(x) y = x^2 - 8; end

12 months ago

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