
Reversible Data hiding and Encryption in color images
hiding data in color images

6 years ago | 2 downloads |

4.7 / 5


alzheimer disease identification and classification
alzheimer disease identification and classification

6 years ago | 4 downloads |

5.0 / 5


Liver segmentation using levelset algorithm
liver segmentation using levelset algorithm

6 years ago | 1 download |

4.6 / 5


Glaucoma analysis optical disk and optical cup
Analysis of glaucoma disease using optic disk and cup

6 years ago | 6 downloads |

5.0 / 5


Diabetic retinopathy ,maculopathy, age related detection
detection of DR,DM,AMD

6 years ago | 3 downloads |

5.0 / 5


Skin lesion melanoma classification using neural networks
classify the different type of skin cancers

6 years ago | 2 downloads |

3.8 / 5


Face Image based Age Estimation
Face Image based Age Estimation of both men and women

6 years ago | 2 downloads |

5.0 / 5


Financial stock market prediction
Financial stock market prediction

6 years ago | 7 downloads |

4.7 / 5


Fundus Image diabetic analysis using deep learning with CNN
Fundus image analysis diabetic retinopathy detection using deep neural networks CNN

6 years ago | 5 downloads |

4.6 / 5


Deep Learning ,Deep neural network- CNN Emotion Recognition
Deep learning, Deep Neural Network , CNN, Machine learning , Emotion Recognition of Images ,Image Recognition

6 years ago | 5 downloads |

0.0 / 5


cardiac image classification systole or diastole
classifying the cardiac image as systole or diastole using neural network classifier

6 years ago | 3 downloads |

5.0 / 5