imshow(Im) hangs when I run it on MATLAB 2016b on Ubuntu 16.04 - Has anyone solved this issue?
Hi, Instead of using your graphics hardware you can try using the software version of OpenGL built into MATLAB. To find i...

8 years ago | 1

how can I compare two image after some changes?
Hi, To measure quality of lossy image compression techniques like JPEG, you may use PSNR (Peak Signal to noise ratio). ht...

8 years ago | 0

What does "@" do ?
Hi, You might have seen function handles. A function handle is a MATLABĀ® data type that stores an association to a function. ...

8 years ago | 15

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How do I get a string to change everytime my xMax value changes?
Hi, You can try >> text(xMax,y4Max + 0.1,num2str(xMax),'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', 'FontSize', 15)

8 years ago | 0

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How to assign values to a struct array with fields?
Hi, >> x = struct('a',{10,20}); This will create x(1).a = 10 and x(2).a = 20 To modify an already existing structure array, ...

8 years ago | 8

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How to get displacement field from tform?
Hi Silja, The issue is because you are using an incomplete syntax of 'imwarp' in the code. 'imwarp' function has an 'OutputVi...

8 years ago | 0

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tf2zpk vs. zp2tf
Hi, There might be some issues with your 'h22'. Note that you should use tf2zpk when working with transfer functions expresse...

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How to average values and get a one-sided spectrum from two-sided spectrum?
Hi, Your code can be simplified a lot by using the MATLAB function 'spectrogram'. Please find the link below for details on ...

8 years ago | 0

how to implement KNN classification in simulink
Hi Pavan, 1. Since Simulink does not support string inputs, you can convert class labels to digits. Like Class A can be repre...

8 years ago | 0

How to get the answer from ifourier function?
Hi Sijie Cheng, Since you are using symbolic expression, you should use the command 'fplot' instead of 'plot'. Please use...

8 years ago | 0

convert cell array to tiff?
Hi, If we assume that the size of the tiff file you need is a 97 X 2976 (97*96 = 2976), then first convert the cell to a matr...

8 years ago | 0

scatter3, colors indicate 3dimensions
Hi, To color the marker points according to the temperature intensity, put c = temp. Now the values in 'c' are linearly mappe...

8 years ago | 0

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how to get two different images from a real time video?
Hi, A demo code is available in MATLAB, 'demoimaq_GetSnapshot.m'. Type 'demoimaq_GetSnapshot.m' in your MATLAB editor. This h...

8 years ago | 0

Plot a 3D histogram with 3 arrays (vectors) of different sizes
Hi, Suppose you have an 8*8 gray scale image (64 pixels in total). So the x axis varies from 1 to 255 and y axis from 1 to 64,...

8 years ago | 0