Random values in timetable
You can collect the data in the loop and then use timetable n = 1; for i = 1:5 Time(i,1) = datetime('now'); Conducti...

3 years ago | 2

Insert values of one vector at specific places into another
a = [0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0]; b = [ 10 20 30 40 50 ]; c = zeros(size(a)); c(logical(a)) = b

3 years ago | 0

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access data returned from a method of a class in other methods
You could make it a private property, the private property can only be accessed by the class (see property attributes). You're p...

3 years ago | 0

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How can I find the Y value on an X–Y plot that corresponds to the tangent of the flattest part of a curve?
How robust this is depends on the consistency of that initial pattern, i.e. the initial acceleration followed by a period of dec...

3 years ago | 1

How to locate the x and y co-ordinate of minimum value from a contour plot automatically ?
Try: [min_e,index] = min(e,[],'all','linear'); x_min = x(index); y_min = y(index); hold on, plot(x_min,y_min,'ok','MarkerF...

3 years ago | 1

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Set properties from Superclass in subclass
Set the Access attribute in the superclass: classdef food properties protein carbs end ...

3 years ago | 0

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Repeat a 2D matrix at multiple places in 5D matrix
You could do the following: A(:, :, 2, :, :) = repmat(B,1,1,1,2,2);

3 years ago | 0

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Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.
Your vlookup is not returning a value when j = 634. You will need a condition to deal with this when it happens. For example...

3 years ago | 0

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add data information with scatter or plot
Personally, I would just use scatter3 and then look at the data from above (along the z-axis). So something like: scatter3(x,y,...

3 years ago | 0

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Interchange dimensions of cell array and the matrices included in it
Here's one way temp = vertcat(originalData{:}); D = repmat({zeros(3,27)},1,1000); % preallocate for ii = 1:1000 D{ii} = ...

3 years ago | 0

rectangle invisible in matlab
The following works for me: roi.Visible = 'off';

3 years ago | 1

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How to extract points from a 3D plot that fall within a particular distance from the center coordinate?
The points which are within a radius, r, from the origin can be obtained as follows: index = sum(X.^2,2) < r^2; % X is an n by...

3 years ago | 1

connect Matlab to Binance API
Try my recent submission to the file exchange: MATLAB-Binance-API Then placing a limit order is simply: obj = spot.newOrder(...

3 years ago | 2

Finding coordinates with image processing
You could use the regionprops function to get the centroids. See the following example: % This just sets up an image for demo ...

3 years ago | 0

Extracting files of the same name only from the first level of subdirectories
Hey Bob, a single star will go down one level only, so try the following: list = dir(fullfile(Alevel,'*','filename.txt'))

3 years ago | 0

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switch command on listbox value
You can get an index of the selected values as follows: idx = ismember(app.ListBox.Items,app.ListBox.Value); Then, make the pl...

3 years ago | 0

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Reading values from xml file
You can now read XML files in R2021a using readtable (and readtimetable). For example: filename = 'students.xml'; T = readtabl...

3 years ago | 3

How can I assign information to my array file?
You could make a table as follows: w = strings(size(mci)); w(mci<0.4) = "wheeze"; w(mci>=0.4) = "non-wheeze"; T = table(mci....

3 years ago | 0

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Capture plot titles using getframe and writerobj
You can use the figure handle (instead of the axis handle) with the getframe function and that captures the entire interior of t...

3 years ago | 0

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How to divide images from folder into 4x4 blocks
Hi Petrus, the mat2cell approach that Jonas pointed out can be done more generally as follows. Note, this handles the scenario w...

3 years ago | 0

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Identify index of cell based on stringlength
Example data: Tstr{1}{1,1} = 'Hello... It me, I was wondering if after all these years youd like to meet'; Tstr{1}{2,1} = '18...

3 years ago | 0

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bitget working with an example
As I'm sure you know, computers communicate at the lowest level with underlying switch-like states known as bits, whose digital ...

3 years ago | 2

Getting error while deleting every row of the matrix M that contains the variable x
No need for any loops. Here's an example of data to work with M = randi(10,[10 3]); % sample data x = 3; % ...

3 years ago | 1

Plotting doubles against cells
Here's an example, i've used X and Y in place of AAG and AAI to simplify: % example data X = arrayfun(@(x) cell(1,randi(1000,1...

3 years ago | 0

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Saving Output in a While Loop
You could store the letters as follows in the variable currentResult. I've added in some conditions to count lives. One could al...

3 years ago | 1


Quickly search all folders and subfolders from your user path for m-files that contain a specific search term.

3 years ago | 1 download |


Increase matrix size, with the first matrix a the center of the new matrix
There is a function made specifically for this called padarray, try the following example: A = rand(2000); B = padarray(A,[100...

4 years ago | 0

Rescale points plotted using scatter3 based on their distance from the origin
Yes. Firstly get distances from the origin: d = sqrt(sum(A.^2,2)); If you have the machine learning & statistics toolbox, you...

4 years ago | 0

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Extracting specific rows with different content from a large table array
Tnew = T(T.MatDate>=SpecificDay-30 & T.MatDate<=SpecificDay+10,:);

4 years ago | 1

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