
I refreshed the browser tab for MATLAB Online and my MATLAB Grader panel disappeared.  What should I do?
I was working on a MATLAB Grader problem in a MATLAB Online session and I refreshed the browser tab that contained my MATLAB Onl...

12 months ago | 1 answer | 0



How can I save as a MATLAB Grader solution as an MLX file to MATLAB Drive?
Use the "Save As" function in the MATLAB Editor to save a copy of the file to your desired location on MATLAB Drive. Be aware th...

12 months ago | 0

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How can I save as a MATLAB Grader solution as an MLX file to MATLAB Drive?
I'd like to make a backup copy (archive) of my MATLAB Grader solution. How can I save my MATLAB Grader solution code as an MLX ...

12 months ago | 1 answer | 0



How do I go back to my MATLAB Grader problem after opening it in MATLAB Online?
Currently, a MATLAB Grader problem open in a separate browser tab that runs a MATLAB Online session. Simply switch between brows...

12 months ago | 0

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How do I go back to my MATLAB Grader problem after opening it in MATLAB Online?
I've opened a MATLAB Grader problem in MATLAB Online. I've submitted my solution, and have seen the assessment results in MATLA...

12 months ago | 1 answer | 0



Can I open a MATLAB Grader problem from MATLAB Home?
This functionality is under consideration for future updates. For now, please login to, access your Course...

12 months ago | 0

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Can I open a MATLAB Grader problem from MATLAB Home?
I use MATLAB Home ( to see my assigned courses, projects, and MATLAB files. Can I open one of my assigned ...

12 months ago | 1 answer | 0



Does MathWorks have plans to remove support for LTI 1.1 from MATLAB Grader?
MathWorks does not have concrete plans to remove support for LTI 1.1. from MATLAB Grader. If and when LTI 1.1 is to be removed ...

1 year ago | 0

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Does MathWorks have plans to remove support for LTI 1.1 from MATLAB Grader?
Based on the MATLAB Grader documentation for LTI 1.1, it states that this standard is deprecated. Does MathWorks have plans to ...

1 year ago | 1 answer | 0



How does MATLAB Grader and Online Courses handle late submissions in an LMS?
Let me clarify here how the tools is working as expected, and how you can use the LMS effectively in combination with our integr...

1 year ago | 1

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How does MATLAB Grader and Online Courses handle late submissions in an LMS?
If you are using the LMS integrations for MATLAB Grader or Online Courses, you may find that it is possible for learners to subm...

1 year ago | 1 answer | 0



Simple per-student completion report
I would need to know which version of MATLAB Grader you are using to provide a more detailed solution. But here are the two met...

1 year ago | 0

Your grade could not be recorded. The gradebook could not be reached. Try resubmitting in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact the instructor.
There may be another cause for the error that you are seeing. I have a few questions for how you are using MATLAB Grader in two...

2 years ago | 0

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Can matlab grader questions be vulnerable by hackers through pretest?
Every time a learner solution is submitted, the solution is recorded and made available to the instructor. Solutions that use ob...

3 years ago | 1

Removed Support for Certain Functions in MATLAB Grader?
When creating your new course, did you remember to add the required toolboxes to your course? What MATLAB error messages do you ...

3 years ago | 0

how do you plot graph sine
Please see this answer. While we can not assist in solving homework assignments for students, our self paced training and docum...

3 years ago | 1

Is it possible to get submiter's IP address or session ID in MATLAB Grader for preventing cheating?​
Unfortunately, we can not share IP addresses or login session information on users that use the hosted version of MATLAB Grader....

3 years ago | 0

Can I make MATLAB Grader regrade questions?
Yes, you can do this using the Rescore Solutions feature that was made available in January 2021. As an instructor, in Canvas...

4 years ago | 0

[Matlab Grader] Is it possible to get text/string as a solution in Matlab Grader?
This is a great question about the use of MATLAB Grader in connection with other more traditional forms of assessment, including...

4 years ago | 0

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Why there is NO add course button in my Matlab Grader?
Only users with a MathWorks account that is associated to a MATLAB license that us current under software maintance is allowed t...

4 years ago | 1

How do I link my MathWorks account to MATLAB Grader in the LMS Version if my school uses another address for identity management?
We do have a feature in the LMS version that should accommodate the difference in email addresses. Connecting directly to MathW...

4 years ago | 0

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How do I link my MathWorks account to MATLAB Grader in the LMS Version if my school uses another address for identity management?
When creating a MathWorks account and using MATLAB Grader at, I noticed I had to initially authenticate via...

4 years ago | 1 answer | 0



Using a learner's variable value in the MATLAB grader reference solution
By design, MATLAB Grader solutions do not have access to personally identifiable information about students. If you were to p...

4 years ago | 0

How can you validate plot title, xlabel, and ylabel on a MATLAB Grader Assessment?
MATLAB Grader does not have a built-in way to check properties of a plot. This is partly because comparing strings is especially...

4 years ago | 0

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How can you validate plot title, xlabel, and ylabel on a MATLAB Grader Assessment?
I am writing MATLAB Grader problems that make use of plots and/or figures. Can I use MATLAB Grader to evaluate whether the outp...

4 years ago | 3 answers | 0



Can I use MATLAB Grader in multiple LMS platforms using the same license?
There should be no issues using our current LTI 1.1 keys-based process to support multiple Learning Management Systems (LMS) on ...

4 years ago | 1

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Can I use MATLAB Grader in multiple LMS platforms using the same license?
Our university has multiple learning management systems, some fro different vendors, in use by different colleges and department...

4 years ago | 1 answer | 0



Is it possible to grade computation time/complexity in MATLAB Grader?
MATLAB Grader allows instructors to see the size of a single students' solution relative to other student solutions for that pro...

4 years ago | 0

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Is it possible to grade computation time/complexity in MATLAB Grader?
Is there a way to measure the computation time of a learner solution, or to get a sense of the complexity of a solution to a MAT...

4 years ago | 1 answer | 0



Can I use MATLAB Grader in timed quizzes or exams?
MATLAB Grader supports the use of problems for quizzes and exams, including the timed release of problems to students after a sp...

4 years ago | 0

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