
Does MATLAB Grader support quizzes, exams, and other high stakes assessment?
We frequently get asked for recommendations on how to use MATLAB Grader for examinations, and if we could share any tips or best...

5 years ago | 1 answer | 0



Matlab crashing when I use Microsoft Teams?
Please contact MathWorks Customer Support, so that we can better assist you in troubleshooting this issue. https://www.mathwork...

5 years ago | 1

How can I score MATLAB Grader assignments using the points assigned to assessment tests for the problems in an assignment?
Currently, we only provide problem-level scoring in MATLAB Grader. We are looking into providing Assignment level scoring in th...

6 years ago | 0

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How do I insert a piece of inline code in "Problem Description and Instructions" part in the cody coursework.
Shen, Cody Coursework does support some simple markup. Please refer to this page of the documentation for more information. ...

7 years ago | 0

Cody questions disappear?
BHHB and Niall, this doesn't sound like Cody Coursework is behaving as expected. The latest version of Cody Coursework that was ...

7 years ago | 0

Can Cody Coursework be used for paid online courses?
Antonio, we actually have other license options if you are interested in using MATLAB autograding in paid online courses or MOOC...

7 years ago | 0

¿Can I use Cody Coursework with a classroom license?
Juan, yes you should be able to use Cody Coursework with that type of a license. If you continue to have trouble accessing the ...

7 years ago | 0

How to reorder problems in Cody Coursework?
Leon, this doesn't sound like Cody Coursework is behaving as expected. Please contact MathWorks support, and include the URL to ...

7 years ago | 0

Is there a bug in the time settings of Cody Coursework?
Anna, this doesn't sound like Cody Coursework is behaving as expected. Please contact MathWorks support, and include the URL to ...

7 years ago | 0

Does Cody Coursework support symbolic math?
Joseph, yes, you can use symbolic math in Cody Coursework. When setting up your course, make sure to add Symbolic Math to the l...

7 years ago | 1

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when copying a Cody coursework assignment the problems do not get copied
Daisy, this doesn't sound like Cody Coursework is behaving as expected. Please contact MathWorks support, and include the URL t...

7 years ago | 0