Getting Started with Lidar Labeler App, Part 2: Assistive Labeling in Lidar Labeler App
From the series: Getting Started with Lidar Labeler App
This is the second video of a four-part series. It will describe advanced assistive algorithms that enhance the labeling process.
The app offers a “Snap to Cluster” algorithm that automatically groups points into clusters based on proximity, allowing users to label entire clusters with a single click. This reduces manual selection and speeds up labeling.
The semantic labeling algorithm uses machine learning and computer vision to recognize and label objects or regions. Users can click on a cluster or region, and the algorithm assigns the appropriate label, eliminating the need for manual labeling.
Published: 13 Nov 2023
The Lidar Labeler app goes beyond traditional manual labeling by incorporating advanced assistive algorithms that specifically reduce human effort and streamline the labeling process. These algorithms work in conjunction with the assistive labeling features to provide a more intuitive and efficient experience. Here are some of the assistive algorithms that enhance the labeling process.
The Snap To Cluster algorithm automates the identification and grouping of points into clusters based on their spatial proximity. By intelligently analyzing the point cloud data, this algorithm allows users to quickly label entire clusters with a single click, eliminating the need for manual selection and labeling of individual points.
The Semantic Labeling algorithm leverages machine learning and computer vision techniques to recognize and label objects or regions within the point cloud data. By automatically identifying object boundaries based on their semantic characteristics, users can simply click on a cluster or region of interest and the algorithm assigns the appropriate label. This algorithm eliminates the need for users to manually define and label each object, saving time and effort.