Signal Processing with MATLAB Online Course Overview
Learn about Signal Processing with MATLAB, a self-paced online course providing comprehensive hands-on training in performing signal processing tasks. Using MATLAB® and Signal Processing Toolbox,™ you will learn how to obtain accurate, informative results for different types of signals and how to tailor established signal processing techniques to suit your application.
Topics covered include:
- Generating signals and common signal operations
- Estimating power spectral density and methods to improve the estimate
- Characterizing and designing digital filters
- Processing streaming signals
Published: 21 Dec 2021
Signal processing can help you with all kinds of science and engineering applications, like being able to identify the broken component in the fan without having to take it apart. You could use vibration sensors to monitor the fan and then perform spectral analysis to find the broken component.
Or you could use audio recordings to estimate the local whale population. How do you identify a whale call, even if it's traveled a large distance underwater? You could modify the frequency content of your recordings based on underwater sound absorption.
You may already know some basic signal processing, like importing and visualizing the frequency content in a signal. In this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of the fundamentals so that you can get informative, accurate results for different types of signals. And you'll learn how to tailor established signal processing techniques to suit your application.
If you've never done any signal processing in MATLAB before, or if you'd like a refresher, it's easy to get started. And we recommend you first take Signal Processing Onramp to get you up to speed quickly. To get started, all you need is a web browser. You'll interact with the web-based version of MATLAB, where you'll receive step-by-step instructions and instant feedback.
You can do this at your own pace, choosing topics that interest you. Your progress is saved, so you can leave any time and come back later. And when you're done, you can download a shareable certificate of completion. Start the course today.