User Guide - MATLAB & Simulink

Campus-Wide License

User Guide

The Campus-Wide License requires all users to have a MathWorks Account linked to the MATLAB (Individual) license.

Install MATLAB on a Personal Computer

  1. Go to the Campus-Wide License portal provided by your university.
  2. Under Get MATLAB and Simulink, click Sign in to get started
  3. Sign in or create a new MathWorks Account. You must use your university email address to get access to the software.
  4. Click Install MATLAB and follow the prompts to download and install MATLAB products. When prompted, select the license labeled MATLAB (Individual).

The first time you run MATLAB on a specific computer, you will be prompted to sign in to your MathWorks Account. Thereafter, you can work offline on that computer.

At each release, install the latest release to access new products and features.

Additional information:

Launch MATLAB Online

MATLAB Online provides access to the latest release of MATLAB from a standard web browser using computing resources and storage hosted by MathWorks.

Go to and then click Open MATLAB Online.

Access Online Training

Learn at your own pace with these interactive courses included with the Campus-Wide License.

Go to and then view the courses under Online Training.