Verifying Algorithms on FPGAs and ASICs: Functional Safety - MATLAB & Simulink


Chapter 6

Functional Safety


Perform Verification and Validation Tasks in DO-254 and ISO 26262 Workflows

Certification workflows such as DO-254 and ISO 26262 are increasingly used by design teams in industries where high-integrity systems are a requirement. These workflows ensure that in each successive phase—conceptual design, detailed design, and implementation—the design is verified against the previous phase.

Using Simulink, engineers can satisfy DO-254 and ISO 26262 objectives while realizing cost and schedule benefits through early verification of requirements, model and code standards checking, code generation, and test case reuse:

  • Requirements can be traced from requirements documents, though Simulink models, and down through generated HDL and testbench components.
  • HDL cosimulation provides back-to-back testing of designs at the conceptual design and detailed design stages.
  • FPGA-in-the-loop testing enables back-to-back testing with designs at the implementation stage.