Return information about SAM file
= saminfo(File
InfoStruct = saminfo(File,Name,Value)
a MATLAB® structure containing summary information about a SAM-formatted
= saminfo(File
a MATLAB structure with additional options specified by one or
more InfoStruct
= saminfo(File
pair arguments.
Input Arguments
Character vector or string specifying a file name or path and file name of a SAM-formatted file. If you specify only a file name, that file must be on the MATLAB search path or in the Current Folder. |
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Logical that controls the inclusion of a Note Setting Default: |
Logical that controls the scanning of the SAM-formatted file
to determine the reference names and the number of reads aligned to
each reference. If Default: |
Output Arguments
MATLAB structure containing summary information about a SAM-formatted file. The structure contains these fields.
* — The ** — These structures and their fields appear in the output structure only if they are in the SAM file. The information in these structures depends on the information in the SAM file. |
Return information about the ex1.sam
included with Bioinformatics Toolbox™:
info = saminfo('ex1.sam')
info = Filename: 'ex1.sam' FilePath: [1x89 char] FileSize: 254270 FileModDate: '12-May-2011 14:23:25' Header: [1x1 struct] SequenceDictionary: [1x1 struct] ReadGroup: [1x2 struct] NumReads: [] ScannedDictionary: {0x1 cell} ScannedDictionaryCount: [0x1 uint64]
Return information about the ex1.sam
including the number of sequence reads:
info = saminfo('ex1.sam','numofreads', true)
info = Filename: 'ex1.sam' FilePath: [1x89 char] FileSize: 254270 FileModDate: '12-May-2011 14:23:25' Header: [1x1 struct] SequenceDictionary: [1x1 struct] ReadGroup: [1x2 struct] NumReads: 1501 ScannedDictionary: {0x1 cell} ScannedDictionaryCount: [0x1 uint64]
Use saminfo to investigate the size and
content of a SAM file before using the samread function
to read the file contents into a MATLAB structure. |
Version History
Introduced in R2010a
See Also
| fastqread
| fastqwrite
| fastqinfo
| fastainfo
| fastaread
| fastawrite
| sffinfo
| sffread
| BioIndexedFile
| BioMap