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Specify path of license file used by the product


-c licensePath


-c licensePath specifies the path of the license file that the product uses. When you specify this option, Polyspace® looks for only this file to use as a license. Other possible locations such as environment variables MLM_LICENSE_FILE and LM_LICENSE_FILE, or the licenses folder under the Polyspace installation folder are ignored.

By default, Polyspace looks for a license in environment variables, registry keys, user profiles, and the licenses folder, in that order. For more details, see What is the license file search path.

Use this option to, for instance, troubleshoot your installation if Polyspace cannot find a license in the default locations, or to use a different license if the currently checked out license has no more seats available.


When you use this option to specify a Polyspace license, you can specify only a license path. The use of the port and hostname of the license server (For example -c 27000@lisenseServerHostname) is not supported.


Use license C:\ps_license\license.lic when you start the desktop interface or a Polyspace analysis.

  • Polyspace desktop interface

    polyspace -c C:\ps_license\license.lic

  • Bug Finder analysis:

    polyspace-bug-finder -c C:\ps_license\license.lic -sources...
  • Code Prover analysis:

    polyspace-code-prover -c C:\ps_license\license.lic -sources...
  • Bug Finder Server analysis:

    polyspace-bug-finder-server -c C:\ps_license\license.lic -sources...
  • Code Prover Server analysis:

    polyspace-code-prover-server -c C:\ps_license\license.lic -sources...

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