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Use of dangerous standard function

Dangerous functions cause possible buffer overflow in destination buffer


This issue occurs when your code uses standard functions that write data to a buffer in a way that can result in buffer overflows.

The following table lists dangerous standard functions, the risks of using each function, and what function to use instead. The checker flags:

  • Any use of an inherently dangerous function.

  • Any use of a possibly dangerous function only if the size of the buffer to which data is written can be determined at compile time. The checker does not flag use of such a function with a dynamically allocated buffer.

Dangerous FunctionRisk LevelSafer Function
getsInherently dangerous — You cannot control the length of input from the console.fgets
std::cin::operator>> and std::wcin::operator>>Inherently dangerous — You cannot control the length of input from the console.

Preface calls to cin by cin.width to control the input length. This method can result in truncated input.

To avoid potential buffer overflow and truncated input, use std::string objects as destinations for >> operator.

strcpyPossibly dangerous — If the size of the destination buffer is too small to accommodate the source buffer and a null terminator, a buffer overflow might occur. Use the function strlen() to determine the size of the source buffer, and allocate sufficient memory so that the destination buffer can accommodate the source buffer and a null terminator. Instead of strcpy, use the function strncpy.
stpcpyPossibly dangerous — If the source length is greater than the destination, buffer overflow can occur.stpncpy
lstrcpy or StrCpyPossibly dangerous — If the source length is greater than the destination, buffer overflow can occur.StringCbCopy, StringCchCopy, strncpy, strcpy_s, or strlcpy
strcatPossibly dangerous — If the concatenated result is greater than the destination, buffer overflow can occur.strncat, strlcat, or strcat_s
lstrcat or StrCatPossibly dangerous — If the concatenated result is greater than the destination, buffer overflow can occur.StringCbCat, StringCchCat, strncay, strcat_s, or strlcat
wcpcpyPossibly dangerous — If the source length is greater than the destination, buffer overflow can occur.wcpncpy
wcscatPossibly dangerous — If the concatenated result is greater than the destination, buffer overflow can occur.wcsncat, wcslcat, or wcncat_s
wcscpyPossibly dangerous — If the source length is greater than the destination, buffer overflow can occur.wcsncpy
sprintfPossibly dangerous — If the output length depends on unknown lengths or values, buffer overflow can occur.snprintf
vsprintfPossibly dangerous — If the output length depends on unknown lengths or values, buffer overflow can occur.vsnprintf


These functions can cause buffer overflow, which attackers can use to infiltrate your program.


The fix depends on the root cause of the defect. See fixes in the table above and code examples with fixes below.

If you do not want to fix the issue, add comments to your result or code to avoid another review. See:


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#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>

#define BUFF_SIZE 128

int dangerous_func(char *str)
    char dst[BUFF_SIZE];
    int r = 0;

    if (sprintf(dst, "%s", str) == 1)
        r += 1;
        dst[BUFF_SIZE-1] = '\0';
    return r;

This example function uses sprintf to copy the string str to dst. However, if str is larger than the buffer, sprintf can cause buffer overflow.

Correction — Use snprintf with Buffer Size

One possible correction is to use snprintf instead and specify a buffer size.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>

#define BUFF_SIZE 128

int dangerous_func(char *str)
    char dst[BUFF_SIZE];
    int r = 0;

    if (snprintf(dst, sizeof(dst), "%s", str) == 1)
        r += 1;
        dst[BUFF_SIZE-1] = '\0';
    return r;

In this example, the size of the source buffer is unknown, while the size of the destination buffer is fixed at 128. The size of the destination buffer might not be sufficient to accommodate the characters from the source buffer and terminate the buffer with a null. Polyspace® reports a violation of the rule.

#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  const char *const source = (argc && argv[0]) ? argv[0] : "";
  char destination[128];
  strcpy((char*)source, destination);
  return 0;
Correction — Allocate Sufficient Memory for Destination

This violation is resolved by allocating sufficient memory for the destination buffer. For instance, use the function strlen() to calculate the size of the source buffer and allocate sufficient memory for the destination buffer so that it can accommodate all characters from the source buffer and the null terminator ('\0' ).

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  const char *const source = (argc && argv[0]) ? argv[0] : "";
  char* destination = (char *)malloc(strlen(source)+ 1);
      strncpy((char*)source, destination,sizeof(source));//No defect
      /*Handle Error*/
  return 0;

Result Information

Group: Security
Language: C | C++
Default: Off
Command-Line Syntax: DANGEROUS_STD_FUNC
Impact: Low

Version History

Introduced in R2015b

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