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Specify the nature of type specifier wchar_t for your compiler


-wchar-t-is wcharNature


-wchar-t-is wcharNature specifies how your compiler handles the type specifier wchar_t.

Possible values for wcharNature are :

  • keyword — Use this value if your compiler supports wchar_t as an independent type.

  • typedef — Use this value if your compiler supports wchar_t as a predefined typedef. That is, the compiler does not treat wchar_t as an independent type but recognizes the specifier and interprets it as a typedef of another independent type.

  • defined-by-compiler — use this value if your compiler does not recognize the specifier wchar_t. In this case, the specifier wchar_t must be defined before you can use it, usually in a system header. Examples of system headers that define wchar_t in a typedef statement include <stddef.h> in C and <cstddef> in C++.

For example, if your compiler recognizes wchar_t as a typedef of unsigned short, specify this option in your Polyspace® analysis:

-wchar-t-is typedef

If you run verification from the user interface (desktop products only), specify the option in the configuration settings in the Other field. See Other.

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