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Extend Checkers for Initialization to Check Function Arguments Passed by Pointers

This topic shows how to extend checkers for initialization to check function arguments passed by pointers. By default, Bug Finder does not check these arguments for initialization at the point of function call because you might perform the initialization in the function body. However, for specific functions, you can extend the checkers to check arguments passed by pointers for initialization at the point of function call.

Identify Need for Existing Checker

Suppose that you consider some function calls as part of the system boundary and you want to make sure that you pass initialized buffers across the boundary. For instance, the Run-Time environment or Rte_ functions in AUTOSAR allow a software component to communicate with other software components. You might want to ensure that pointer arguments to these functions point to initialized buffers.

For instance, consider this code snippet:

extern void Rte_Write_int(unsigned int, int*);

void writeValueToAddress() {
    const unsigned int module_id = 0xfe;
    int x;
    Rte_Write_int(module_id, &x);         
The argument x is passed by pointer to the Rte_Write_int function. Bug Finder does not check x for initialization at the point of function call. In the body of Rte_Write_int, if you attempt to read x, Bug Finder flags the non-initialized variable. However, you might not be able to provide the module containing the function body for analysis and might want to detect that x is non-initialized at the point of function call itself.

Extend Checker

You can specify that pointer arguments to some functions must point to initialized buffers. For instance, to specify that Rte_Write_int is one such function:

  1. List the function in an XML file in a specific syntax.

    Copy the template file code-behavior-specifications-template.xml from the folder polyspaceroot\polyspace\verifier\cxx to a writable location and modify the file. Enter the function in the file using the following syntax after existing similar entries:

    <function name="Rte_Write_int">
       <check name="ARGUMENT_POINTS_TO_INITIALIZED_VALUE" arg="2"/>
    This syntax indicates that Bug Finder must check the second argument of the Rte_Write_int function to determine if the argument points to an initialized buffer. Remove previously existing entries in the file to avoid warnings.

    You can also use the wildcard * to cover a group of functions. To specify all functions beginning with Rte_Write_, enter:

    <function name="Rte_Write_*">
       <check name="ARGUMENT_POINTS_TO_INITIALIZED_VALUE" arg="2"/>

  2. Specify this XML file as argument for the option -code-behavior-specifications.

If you rerun the analysis, you see a Non-initialized variable defect on &x when the function Rte_Write_int is called.

Checkers That Can Be Extended

These checkers are extended by using this option:

See Also

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