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Provide Standard Library Headers for Polyspace Analysis

Before Polyspace® analyzes the code for bugs and run-time errors, it compiles your code. Even if the code compiles with your compiler, you can see compilation errors with Polyspace. If the error comes from a standard library function, it usually indicates that Polyspace is not using your compiler headers. To work around the errors, provide the path to your compiler headers.

If you create a Polyspace project or options file from your build command using polyspace-configure, the header paths are automatically added to this project or options file. Otherwise, you have to explicitly add these paths. This topic shows how to locate the standard library headers from your compiler. The code examples cause a compilation error that shows the location of the headers.

  • To locate the folder containing your C compiler system headers, compile this C code by using your compilation toolchain:

    float fopen(float f); 
    #include <stdio.h> 

    The code does not compile because the fopen declaration conflicts with the declaration inside stdio.h. The compilation error shows the location of your compiler implementation of stdio.h. Your C standard library headers are all likely to be in that folder.

  • To locate the folder containing your C++ compiler system headers, compile this C++ code by using your compilation toolchain:

    namespace std {
        float cin; 
    #include <iostream> 
    The code does not compile because the cin declaration conflicts with the declaration inside iostream.h. The compilation error shows the location of your compiler implementation of iostream.h. Your C++ standard library headers are all likely to be in that folder.

After you locate the path to your compiler's header files, specify the path for the Polyspace analysis. For C++ code, specify the paths to both your C and C++ headers.

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