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Required or Mandatory MISRA Coding Rules Supported by Polyspace Bug Finder

The MISRA™ C and C++standards classify the rules that compliant C++ code must follow as Required. The table shows a summary of Polyspace® support for Required and Mandatory coding rules from various MISRA standards.

StandardNumber of Required Guidelines Polyspace SupportsNumber of Mandatory Guidelines Polyspace Supports
MISRA C™: 2023140 out of 151 Required rules18 out of 23 Mandatory rules
MISRA C: 2012140 out of 151 Required rules18 out of 23 Mandatory rules
MISRA C++:2023124 out of 124 Required rules5 out of 5 Mandatory rules
MISRA C++:2008195 out of 198 Required rulesN/A

To find the Required or Mandatory coding rules from various MISRA standards that belong in these subsets:

  1. In the Configuration pane of the Polyspace desktop user interface, locate the Coding Standards and Code Metrics node. Select Set checkers by file and click open. Alternatively, use the command polyspace-checkers-selection in the command-line.

  2. In the Checkers Selection window, click New to create a new checkers file. Optionally, deselect the coding rules that are already selected.

  3. Select any MISRA coding standard.

  4. Select Required or Mandatory.

  5. Save your selection as an XML file.

The content of the XML file lists coding rules that MISRA classifies as Required or Mandatory.

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