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Signal Operations

Scrambling, puncturing, interlacing, conversion between bit and decimal, and delay management

Perform various bit operations and delay management on signals and blocks of data.


bit2intConvert bits to integers (Since R2021b)
int2bitConvert integers to bits (Since R2021b)
hex2polyConvert hexadecimal character vector to binary coefficients
oct2polyConvert octal number to binary coefficients
alignsignalsAlign two signals by delaying earliest signal
finddelayEstimate delay(s) between signals


comm.DescramblerDescramble input signal
comm.ScramblerScramble input signal


DeinterlacerDistribute elements of input vector alternately between two output vectors
DerepeatReduce sampling rate by averaging consecutive samples
DescramblerDescramble input signal
Find DelayFind delay between two signals
InterlacerAlternately select elements from two input vectors to generate output vector
PunctureOutput elements that correspond to 1s in binary puncture vector
ScramblerScramble input signal
Bit to Integer ConverterMap vector of bits to corresponding vector of integers
Integer to Bit ConverterMap vector of integers to vector of bits


Sample- and Frame-Based Processing

  • Sample- and Frame-Based Concepts
    Explore basic signal concepts in the context of a Simulink® model. Learn more about sample-based processing and frame-based processing.

Rate Conversion

Signal Operations

Delay and Latency

Variable-Size Signal Support

Featured Examples

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