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Run Microservice Created Using MATLAB Compiler SDK on Microsoft Azure

This example shows how to run a microservice created using MATLAB® Compiler SDK™ on Microsoft® Azure®.


  • Verify that you have MATLAB Compiler SDK (R2022a or later) installed on the development machine.

  • Verify that you have Docker® installed and configured on the development machine by typing [~,msg] = system('docker version') in a MATLAB command window.

Note: If you are using WSL, use [~,msg] = system('wsl docker version') instead.

Create MATLAB Function

Create a MATLAB function from the MATLAB desktop. For this example, write a function named simpInterest.m using the following code.

function i = simpInterest(p,r,t)
i = p * (1 + (r * t)) - p;

Create Deployable Archive

Package the simpInterest.m function into a deployable archive using the function.

results ="simpInterest.m","ArchiveName","financetools","Verbose","on")

Package Deployable Archive into Microservice Docker Image

Package the deployable archive into a microservice Docker image using the results object that you created.


The function generates the following files within a folder named financetoolsmicroserviceDockerImage:

  • applicationFilesForMATLABCompiler/financetools.ctf — Deployable archive file.

  • Dockerfile — Docker file that specifies run-time options.

  • GettingStarted.txt — Text file that contains deployment information.

Verify that the financetools image has been created by typing:

docker images

For details, see MATLAB Compiler SDK Create Microservice Docker Image.

Creating Azure Container Registry

  • Navigate to and search for container registry in the search bar.

  • Select the Container registries service from the results.

  • Click Create a new registry. Complete the Project details and Instance details.

  • Project details

  • Subscription: Select your subscription from the drop-down menu.

  • Resource group: Use an existing resource group or create a new one.

  • Instance details

  • Registry name: Provide a unique name. This example uses: matlab

  • Location: Select your desired location.

  • Availability zones: Leave unchecked or check Enabled.

  • SKU: Select Standard.

In this example the registry is named matlab.

Upload Microservice Docker Image to Azure Container Registry

Open a command window and log in to your Azure account using the command

az login

This opens a browser window for you to log in and authenticate. Once you are logged into the Azure portal, you need to log in to your container registry using the command:

az login acr --name <container_registry_name>

Replace <container_registry_name> with the name of your container registry.

  • Tag the microservice Docker image with your container registry using the command:

docker tag financetools
  • Upload the microservice Docker image using:

docker push

Uploading the microservice Docker image to the cloud takes a few minutes. When complete, your Docker image is visible as a repository in your Azure container registry.

Run Microservice Docker Image

You can run your microservice Docker image using one of several different options on Azure. You can run it as an:

  • Azure Container Instance

  • Azure Kubernetes® Service

  • Azure Web App for Containers

  • Azure Batch

In this example, use the Azure Container Instance option, which lets you run a single container.

Note: You might have to enable admin access in the IAM section in your Azure Container Registry to run the container.

To run it as an Azure Container Instance:

  • From the Azure dashboard create a new Azure Container Instance.

  • In the Basics tab, complete the Project details and the Container details.

  • Project details

  • Subscription: Select appropriately

  • Resource group: Select appropriately

  • Container details

  • Container name: financetools

  • Region: Use default or select appropriately

  • Availability: Use default or select appropriately

  • SKU: Standard or select appropriately

  • Image source: Select Azure Container Registry

  • Registry: <container-registry-name>

  • Image: financetools

  • Image tag: 1.0

  • OS type: Use default

  • Size: Use default or change size appropriately

  • In the Networking tab complete the following details:

  • Networking type: Public

  • DNS name label: financetools

  • DNS name label scope reuse: Select Tenant

  • Ports: Type 9910

  • Ports protocol: Select TCP

  • Click on 'Review + Create'.

  • Click 'Create' to create the Azure Container Instance.

Once your Azure Container Instance is deployed, you can make requests to the instance using its Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), which you can find on the resource page.

Make Request to Microservice Running in Azure Container Instance

You can make a request to the microservice using a command line tool or UI such as Postman. Pass in the 3 input variables for principal, interest, and time in JSON format, and receive a result with the simple interest amount as a JSON formatted result.

POST /financetools/simpInterest HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 42
{"nargout": 1, "rhs": [21000, 0.043, 12] }
The format of the host URI is: FQDN:port/container_image_name/matlab_function_name
To make a request using cURL:
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"nargout": 1, "rhs": [21000, 0.043, 12] }'

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