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Upsample discrete-time models


sysl = upsample(sys,L)


sysl = upsample(sys,L) resamples the discrete-time dynamic system model sys at a sampling rate that is L-times faster than the sample time of sys (Ts0). L must be a positive integer. When sys is a TF model, H(z), upsample returns sysl as H(zL) with the sample time Ts0 / L.

The responses of models sys and sysl have the following similarities:

  • The time responses of sys and sysl match at multiples of Ts0.

  • The frequency responses of sys and sysl match up to the Nyquist frequency π / Ts0.


sysl has L times as many states as sys.


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Create a transfer function with sample time 2.25 seconds.

sys = tf(0.75,[1 10 2],2.25)
sys =
  z^2 + 10 z + 2
Sample time: 2.25 seconds
Discrete-time transfer function.

Create a transfer function with a sample time that is 14 times faster than sys.

L = 14;
sys1 = upsample(sys,L)
sys1 =
  z^28 + 10 z^14 + 2
Sample time: 0.16071 seconds
Discrete-time transfer function.

The sample time of sys1 is 0.16071 seconds, which is 14 times faster than the sample time of sys.

Version History

Introduced in R2008b

See Also

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