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Generate and Measure Signals with Analog Devices ADALM1000

Updated Function Syntax

To accommodate the ADALM1000, the following Data Acquisition Toolbox™ functions allow vendor-specific argument options:

  • daq and daqlist accept the vendor argument "adi".

  • addinput and addoutput accept the device name argument 'SMU1' (source-measurement unit), and the channel ID arguments 'A' and 'B' to correspond with the channel labels on the ADALM1000 module.

Source Voltage and Measure Current

This example shows how to source a voltage while measuring current on the same channel, to calculate load resistance. First program the ADALM1000 to provide a constant 5 V supply to the load, and then measure the current on the same device channel.

Discover your ADALM device and view its information.

dev = daqlist("adi")
dev =

  1×4 table

    DeviceID              Description                 Model              DeviceInfo       
    ________    _______________________________    ___________    ________________________

     "SMU1"     "Analog Devices Inc. ADALM1000"    "ADALM1000"    [1×1 daq.adi.DeviceInfo]
adi: Analog Devices Inc. ADALM1000 (Device ID: 'SMU1')
   Analog input supports:
      0 to +5.0 Volts,-0.20 to +0.20 A ranges
      Rates from 100000.0 to 100000.0 scans/sec
      2 channels ('A','B')
      'Voltage','Current' measurement types
   Analog output supports:
      0 to +5.0 Volts,-0.20 to +0.20 A ranges
      Rates from 100000.0 to 100000.0 scans/sec
      2 channels ('A','B')
      'Voltage','Current' measurement types

Set up a Data Acquisition Toolbox DataAcquisition to operate the ADALM100.

d = daq("adi")
d = 

DataAcquisition using Analog Devices Inc. hardware:

                     Running: 0
                        Rate: 100000
           NumScansAvailable: 0
            NumScansAcquired: 0
              NumScansQueued: 0
    NumScansOutputByHardware: 0
                   RateLimit: [100000 100000]

Add an analog output channel to source voltage from device channel A.


Add an analog input channel to measure current on the same device channel A.


View the channel configuration.

ans = 

    Index    Type    Device    Channel      Measurement Type             Range              Name   
    _____    ____    ______    _______    _____________________    __________________    __________

      1      "ao"    "SMU1"      "A"      "Voltage (SingleEnd)"    "0 to +5.0 Volts"     "SMU1_A"  
      2      "ai"    "SMU1"      "A"      "Current"                "-0.20 to +0.20 A"    "SMU1_A_1"

Generate an output voltage, and measure the current.

V_load = 5;
I_load = read(d,"OutputFormat","Matrix");
write(d,0);  % Reset device output.
R_load = V_load/I_load
R_load =



The ADALM1000 continues to generate the last value programmed until you release the hardware. When you are finished with your signals, reset the device to output 0 volts.

Generate a Pulse

This example shows how to generate a 1-millisecond, 5-volt pulse, surrounded on either side by 10 milliseconds at 0 volts.

pdata = zeros(2100,1); % Column vector of 2100 samples.
pdata (1001:1100) = 5; % Pulse in middle of vector.

d = daq("adi");

Generate Waveforms

This example shows how to simultaneously generate a 1-kHz square wave on channel A, and a 100 Hz sine wave on channel B. Each output lasts for 5 seconds.

The example requires two DataAcquisition channels for device channels A and B, both as output channels for voltage.

d = daq("adi");

Define the two waveforms.

Sq = zeros(500000,1); % Column vectors of 500k scans.
Sw = zeros(500000,1);

% Define square wave:
for r = 1:100:499900;
    Sq(r:r+49) = 5;  % Set first 50 of each 100 samples to 5 v.

% Define sine wave:
Sw = sin(linspace(1,500000,500000)'*2*pi/1000);
Sw = Sw + 1;  % Shift for positive voltage output

View channel configuration.

ans = 

    Index    Type    Device    Channel      Measurement Type             Range            Name  
    _____    ____    ______    _______    _____________________    _________________    ________

      1      "ai"    "SMU1"      "A"      "Voltage (SingleEnd)"    "0 to +5.0 Volts"    "SMU1_A"
      2      "ai"    "SMU1"      "B"      "Voltage (SingleEnd)"    "0 to +5.0 Volts"    "SMU1_B"

Start the output signal generation. The 500000 scans at 100000 scans per second lasts for 5 seconds.

write(d,[Sq Sw])

See Also


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