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Guided SD Card Setup

To use the Ethernet connection to the target board, you must set up the board's SD card with the MathWorks® firmware image. After the support package installation is complete, the installer guides you through downloading the firmware image and establishing an Ethernet connection to the hardware.

If the support package is already installed, you can start the hardware setup by opening the Add-On Manager. On the MATLAB® toolstrip, click Add-Ons.

In the Add-On Manager, start the hardware setup process by clicking the Gear icon,.

You can then:

  • Specify which board you are using.

  • Configure the network card in the host machine.

  • Write firmware for the board to an SD card.

  • Configure your board to start up from the SD card.

  • Connect your hardware to the host machine.

  • Verify the connection between host and hardware.

Because the software runs operating system (OS) commands for configuring the network card, you might require administrator privileges for the guided hardware setup. If that is the case, start MATLAB using Run as administrator.

Select Hardware

Choose your hardware from the Hardware Board list.

Click Next.

Configure Network Card on Host Computer

  1. Select the Network Interface Card (NIC) that you want to connect with the hardware.

    The list displays the connected network interface cards detected on your computer. The menu options note each NIC as (In Use) or (Available). When the NIC is connected to a device and an IP address is assigned to it, the installer marks a NIC as (In Use).

    If you do not see your NIC listed, click Refresh to trigger the NIC detection and refresh the list. Refreshing the list is useful when, for example, you plug in a USB Ethernet adapter dongle while viewing this pane.

    • If all the NICs listed are in use, free up a NIC for use with the hardware, and then click Refresh.

    • If the NIC list is empty, it is possible that VMWare software, if present, is interfering with NIC detection. To get an accurate list of NICs on your computer, remove the VMWare.

    • Check if the missing NIC is disabled in the control panel. If it is disabled, enable it.

  2. Optionally, specify an IP address for your board.

  3. If you have already configured the NIC, select Skip this step if your network card is already configured for communicating with the hardware.

  4. Click Next. The software configures the NIC.

Select a Drive

The installer must write a firmware image to an SD card. This firmware image is included with the support package. The image includes the embedded software and the FPGA programming file for using the hardware as an I/O peripheral. The location of the SD drive containing the card is selected.

Before downloading the firmware image to the card, unlock the SD card. Keep the card unlocked while the card is in the Zynq® board card reader.

Insert a 4 GB or larger SD memory card into the memory card reader on the host computer. The card must be formatted with the FAT32 format. Select the appropriate drive from the list.

Click Next.

Write Firmware

To copy the programming file from the host computer to the SD card, click Write. Any existing data on the memory card is erased during this process.

When the write is complete, click Next.

Set Jumper Switches and Connect Hardware

Configure the jumpers on the Zynq development board so that you can use it as a peripheral device. These jumper settings ensure that the board starts up from the SD card. Make sure that the board is turned off.

The jumper settings are different for each board.

Set Jumpers on ZCU102

SW6 Switch Positions

SwitchSwitch Position

Set Jumpers on ZC706

SW11 Jumper Positions

SwitchSwitch Position


Set the pins as shown in the image. The pins are located near the Ethernet LEDs.

Connect Hardware

  1. To connect the target hardware:

    For more information, see:

    XilinxZynq UltraScale++ MPSoC ZCU102 FPGA Development Board

    Xilinx Zynq -7000 ZC706 Evaluation Board

  2. Wait until you see the LEDs indicating the readiness of the hardware. Then, wait an additional 20 seconds for the board to start its operating system and set up communication with the host machine.

    BoardReady Lights
    ZCU102 (near push buttons)DONE (Green, steady)
    ZC706 (near power switch)DONE (Green, steady)

    If the LEDs do not light up as indicated after one minute, press the reset switch and restart the board.

  3. Click Next. The software verifies the hardware connection.

Verify Setup

This wizard page runs a small example to test the hardware connection. Before running the example, ensure that the board is turned on and indicating that it is ready for traffic (see the previous step).

Click Next. The hardware setup is complete.

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