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Model Setup

Block Selection

You can create models for targeting the same way you create other Simulink® models—by combining standard blocks and C-MEX S-functions.

You can use blocks from the following sources:

  • The Embedded Coder Support Packages.

  • The Embedded Targets library (embeddedtargetslib) in the Embedded Coder® product.

  • Blocks from the System Toolboxes products

  • Custom blocks

Avoid using blocks that do not generate code, including the following blocks.

Block Name/Category




Simulink, DSP System Toolbox™ software

Provides oscilloscope view of your output. Do not use the Save data to workspace option on the Data history pane in the Scope Parameters dialog.

To Workspace


Return data to your MATLAB® workspace.

From Workspace


Send data to your model from your MATLAB workspace.

Spectrum Scope

DSP System Toolbox

Compute and display the short-time FFT of a signal. It has internal buffering that can slow your process without adding value.

To File


Send data to a file on your host machine.

From File


Get data from a file on your host machine.

Triggered to Workspace

DSP System Toolbox

Send data to your MATLAB workspace.

Signal To Workspace

DSP System Toolbox

Send a signal to your MATLAB workspace.

Signal From Workspace

DSP System Toolbox

Get a signal from your MATLAB workspace.

Triggered Signal From Workspace

DSP System Toolbox

Get a signal from your MATLAB workspace.

To Wave device

DSP System Toolbox

Send data to a .wav device.

From Wave device

DSP System Toolbox

Get data from a .wav device.

Configure Target Hardware Resources

To configure your Simulink model for your target hardware and toolchain:

  1. In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, select Hardware Implementation, and then specify your Hardware board.

    Specifying a Hardware board automatically sets many Code Generation parameters to values appropriate for the hardware.

  2. On the Target Hardware Resources tab, review the other parameters.

  3. (Optional) In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, select Code Generation, and then review and modify other code generation features for your model.

  4. Click Apply, and save the changes to your model.

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