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Adding Constraints to Satisfy UCITS Directive

This example shows how to set up and solve a portfolio optimization problem that satisfies the Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) Directive. The UCITS directive is a regulatory requirement of European investment funds. As of 2019, the UCITS asset allocation regulation states that funds can only invest only up to 10% in a single issuer, and that investments in excess of 5% must not exceed 40% of the total portfolio, with some exceptions. This rule is known as the 5/10/40 rule.

Create Portfolio Object

To solve a portfolio problem and add this requirement to the problem, start by creating a Portfolio, PortfolioCVaR, or PortfolioMAD object, depending on the desired risk measure.

% Read table of daily adjusted close prices for 2006 DJI stocks
pricesTT = readtimetable('dowPortfolio.xlsx');
% Compute the returns from the prices
returnsTT = tick2ret(pricesTT);

% Remove the DJI stock from the timetable
assetReturnsTT = returnsTT(:,2:end);
% Compute the asset returns mean and covariance matrix
mu = mean(assetReturnsTT.Variables);
Sigma = cov(assetReturnsTT.Variables);

% Create Portfolio object
p = Portfolio(AssetMean=mu',AssetCovar=Sigma);

To add the 10% upper bound on the maximum that you can invest in any individual asset, use setBounds. In this example, any chosen asset must represent at least 1% of the total portfolio.

% Weights must be either 0 or between 0.01 and 0.1
p = setBounds(p,0.01,0.1,BoundType="conditional");

To set the conditional constraint that limits the aggregate weight that you can invest in assets that exceed 5%, use setConditionalBudget.

% Assets with weights above 5% must not exceed 40% of the total
% portfolio
p = setConditionalBudget(p,0.05,0.4);

Finally, the portfolio weights must sum to one and must have between 15 and 20 active assets.

% Sum of weights must be equal to one
p = setBudget(p,1,1);

% 15-20 active assets
p = setMinMaxNumAssets(p,15,20);

Compute Minimum Variance Portfolio with Tracking Error Penalty

Given some trackingPortfolio weights allocation, find the minimum variance portfolio using estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio with a tracking error penalty that satisfies all the constraints in the previous section.

% Define tracking portfolio as the portfolio of the DJI
trackingPortfolio = returnsTT{:,2:end}\returnsTT{:,1};

% Penalized objective function
penalizedVariance = @(w) w'*Sigma*w + ...

% Penalized variance portfolio
p = setSolverMINLP(p,"OuterApproximation",ExtendedFormulation=true, ...
w = estimateCustomObjectivePortfolio(p,penalizedVariance);

The following bar chart shows the weights distribution of the portfolio.

hold on
title('Minimum Variance Portfolio with Tracking Error Penalty')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Minimum Variance Portfolio with Tracking Error Penalty, ylabel Weight contains 2 objects of type bar, constantline.

Only five assets are above the 5% conditional threshold and the sum of these assets are less than 40%.

conditionalBudget = sum(w(w > 0.05))
conditionalBudget = 

See Also


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